*How did you learn to sew? *Do you sew lots of stuff or just things you want & can't find? *Do you design your own things or always follow a store bought pattern?
(all completely selfish since I really want to learn to sew)
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
"hate me" by blue october. I really liked it at first, but it's soooo overplayed that it drived me crazy. Plus, it gets stuck in my head for hours.
Who has had the greatest influence on you?
I honestly can't say. I feel like I "should" say my Mom or something like that, but I don't think she did. I read a ton of biographies as a kid/teen and I think that I was influenced a lot by all of the people I read about.
What music would you want played at your funeral?
I have no idea. Do they even play music at funurals? I've only been to one and that was liek 10 years ago...
If a biopic was made about your life, who would you want to play you? Reese Witherspoon. I think she;s a great actress, plus she seems to really have it "together" IRL. And she's super cute.
I actually just started a new job and it's kind of hard to explain because it changes a lot based on the season. I work for the State Legislature as a "Researcher" but I would use that term pretty loosly. Right now, most of my work is on campaigns.
Where do you buy most of your clothes/shoes?
clothes: Anthro, shoes: Saks.
I think you're married, how long have you been married?
yup! what is it, 8 months? We were married last November.
When did yall meet?
We actually met on a high school trip. I was a sophomore and he was a senior and we went to England, Ireland, and Wales together. We had never really crossed paths in school, but started talking early on in the trip. By the time we got home, we were inseperable.
Favorite book?
It changes based on my mood. My all-time favorite is probabaly Tale of two Cities, but I love biographies and chic lit too.
England, Ireland, Wales, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, France, Canada, Mexico, Bahamas
Are you a morning or night person?
neither? I need a LOT of sleep. I guess I'd say night though, it takes a lot to get me out of bed in the morning!
Who has had the most influence in your life?
see above
Do you have a favorite quote?
I've always loved: "the people who say you are what you eat have always seemed addles to me. In my opinion, you are what you think- and if you don't think, you can eat all the meat in Kansas City and still be nothing but a vegetable."
in terms of dancing like at a club, hell no! I love more choreographed dance like ballet though and I took Irish dance from the time I was really young through college. I love that and still dance down my hallway all the time.
*Best vacation ever you ever took?
I spent a month in Belgium studying and figured while I was over there I should take some time to explore, so I went to London and Paris for a week each all by myself. It was fantastic! I got to do what I wanted and see what I wnated all on my own terms. Plus, I learned a ton about myself and the thins I am capable of doing since I was forced to fend for myself.
*What would you do with 1 million dollars?
go shopping? lol! no, I'd pay off debt and buy a house...then set up school funds for my hypothetical children. I'd donate some to various organizations and to my grad school, take an awesome vacation, and maybe do a little shopping... and I guess invest the rest?
*Are you looking forward to any kids in the future?
hopefully soon!
*First car?
I actually nevr got a license, but I did have a car. It was a 1980 Grand Am. It was white, and hideous, and older than me!
*Where were you born?
Staten Island, NY
*Any siblings?
Yup! Monica is 16, Alek is 11, Isaac is 6, Jordan is almost 5, and Aaron turned 2 last week! (Someone needs to tell my Mom its time to stop!!)
If you could raid one Ster's closet, who would you choose?
oooh, probably Detroit's for the fabulous shoes and bags or Kitty's for the great dresses and mix-and-match pieces
Favorite piece of clothing you own?
usually whatever's newest- I have a very short attention span. I do have a black gucci skirt that I adore though- I don't wear it nearly often enough. It's a classic pencil style with reverse seams covered in satin on the sides and down the front, with this neat little notch detail at the back waist. It's so hot, and was a total steal at Filene's basement!
Favorite type of ice cream?
butter pecan!
What type of music do you listen to?
pretty much everything. I love older stuff like Dylan and Crosby, Stills, and Nash but I like a lot of the more upbeat newer stuff too.
I used the sewing machine when I was younger to do crafts once in a while and I was in a sewing 4-H group for a year. I don't remember actually learning much though. I think I really just learned by trial and error and lookign at things to see how they were constructed.
*Do you sew lots of stuff or just things you want & can't find?
Mostly stuff that I can't find/ is too expensive. I wish I could sew more but I just don't have the time! Plus, I'm not that great at it and for the quality it's sometimes cheaper/more practical to just buy the piece in the store.
*Do you design your own things or always follow a store bought pattern? i have NEVER followed a pattern 100%. They' always seem so dumpy! Iusually start with a pattern similar to what I want, and then make tons of changes to it. It gives me a base to work off of though and keeps me from getting super confused about what I'm doing.
do you like to play card/board games? what is your fav.?
I love creative board games- my favorites are pictonary and balderdash
If you could go and change something from the past what would it be?
I can't pick just one, so I'll narrow it down to 2: I wish I had realized that I wasn't inferior to everyoen else at a younger age and wasn't so shy. I also wish that I did less "stupid" things my first year in college....looking back on some of them is embarassign!
What is the first thing you do when getting up on the morning?
pee. And then make coffee.
Are you sewing anything right now?
not really. The sewing machine is still packed. I did start making a silk top before I moved that isn't finished yet though, so I guess you could count that.
one of your pet peeves?
I can't think of a good one right now, but it really bugged me when this woman I was helping at work (she just sort of assumed the role of my boss when I already had one) would send me an email or leave me a note that would just say "so such-and-such. thanks." i thought it was rude for her not to ask me to do it or to say please. Plus, she'd never actually ask herself- it was always a note.