Hey Guys, as of September 1st I'm relocating to the San Jose area! I'm not very familiar with the area, so I was wondeirng if you could give me some suggestions on where to live (cities, apartment complexes, etc). I think I can spend about $1300, I'd like a 2 bedroom where I can have cats and a dog. My office is downtown San Jose, but I'll never be there so it doesn't really matter where I live. The cities suggested by my work are Campbell, Saratoga, Los Gatos, Mountainview, Freemont, etc. I've heard that the Willow Glen area of SJ is pretty nice, but I need all the help I can get!
To further complicate things, I'm going to be out of the country August 2-17, and my landlord down here decided that we have to be out by August 25th instead of the 31st!! Talk about making things difficult
Anyways, I'd really appreciate whatever helpful hints you guys have for me. I look forward to meeting some of you to go shopping