I just took the Bar Exam this past Tuesday and Wednesday and expected to feel so wonderful afterwards. I thought I'd feel relieved that it was all over, proud of myself for studying so hard, and ecstatic that it was all behind me.
But I feel miserable. The exam just felt SO hard and I felt like the hours upon hours I spent studying for it counted for nothing. In the two days since the exam, I've fretted constantly about the possibility that I failed-- how embarrassed I would be to tell my job and friends and how disheartening it would be to study for and take the exam again. Law school was kind of tough on me emotionally and I just couldn't bear it if I failed. On top of that, I sprained my ankle while out celebrating after the bar so I'm feeling achy and cranky.
I feel SO guilty whining about this when I know there are others of you that are dealing with problems that make mine so petty and miniscule. I know that I should just get over it but I feel like I'm in such a funk. Any advice for picking myself up (other than shopping-- I'm trying to save money right now!)?
"He does dress better than I do...what would I bring to the relationship?" ~ Clueless
Honestly, I have to say that in part I'm glad you're feeling this way...I just took the bar on Tuesday and Wednesday too and I'm just glad that I'm not the only one feeling this way...
I felt pretty good after the essay portion, I was almost shocked at how it wasn't as difficult as i had feared it would be...but the MBE..Oh...My...Lord...
Were they kidding us with that? Who in their right might studied enough to answer questions like that? I mean, the Clara and the birthday coat question, obviously not one of the hardest, but my friends and i just sat around thinking "can you conspire to steal property that you don't know is yours, or if the fact that it was yours and that negates the intent, can you solicit someone to steal it?" And how about a heads up to the fact that EVERY property question they ask is going to be over MORTGAGES?? I'm not even sure I can spell mortgage much less answer 33 questions over it...I hate the MBE....I hate it I hate it I hate it.
Sorry, that was a major vent. The only way I know to console myself is to keep saying, "it's not the end of the world if I fail," and now I'm focusing on losing my "bar weight" working out really helps take your mind off of things for a while!
It's pronounced "Johnny," like the boys name....but spelled like an Indian Zuchini.
i just finished the bar exam on thursday... and i feel similarly. the essays weren't as bad as i thought, but the mbe was terribly difficult. i thought it was because i hadn't focused on it very much during my studies (i didn't think i needed to!). now i'm thinking i may fail because of it and im regretting not opening those pmbr books...
Oh, ladies... the Bar... and stupid Clara and her stupid boyfriend Deon and that stupid camel hair coat! Surely they will throw that question out, it's just absurd!
I have been feeling rather stressed about my performance, too, but just keep in mind... more people pass than fail, and if it was hard for you, it was hard for everyone. No sense worrying about it for the next 10 weeks... it'll just make you crazy.
I recommend spending a lot of time in front of the TV vegging out... try to forget everything you've learned and just be glad it's over. Even if things don't turn out the way you like, you don't have to think or do anything about it until you know for sure.
P.S.: When I was freaking out a few days before the exam, I PMed Bastet, and she was so sweet and encouraging about it. She said that everyone who walks out of the testing room thinks they "know" they have failed, and that it is totally normal, and that everyone feels the same way. You are not alone, it will all be okay... remember, JFK Jr. and Hilary Clinton failed the bar the first time they took it, so it doesn't mean you will never amount to anything if you don't get it right away... but we don't even need to worry about that at all, because none of us failed.
First off I would like to say best of luck on your results (to all of you post-bar ladies)...
Secondly, I would like to say not to sweat it. I have had many friends that have shared the exact same post-bar feelings to me and every one of them passed. It seems as if after you have spent such an inordinate amount of time preparing for this insanely crucial exam all you can do is think of the negative while you wait for your results.
(Not exactly the same thing, but I once had a friend that equated waiting for he bar results to waiting the 7 days after her HIV test. It is just a time that you can't help, but think the worst.)
Think totally happy thoughts - I am rooting for all of you!!!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Aw, good luck y'all... I'm sure everyone passed. It must be so weird to have the whole of law school just DONE. Can't even imagine what you're going through...
I'm sure you did fine. As my dad always says about things like that, "If you walked out of there feeling like you aced it it's because you didn't know what was going on."