Ok, my roommate is AWESOME - really at times in the last two years he's been the best thing in my life and I love him as much as, if not more than, anyone else on earth. (Nothing sexual, of course - he has a girlfriend). Here's the thing: one of his best traits is a charming, Jimmy Stewart/slacker thing where he just BELIEVES that everything will work out. I do not share this trait. Things work out because I will KICK SOMEONE"S DAMN ASS (very politely, of course) if they start down the wrong track. So basically, this has been a great deal for my roomie. He sits back and I get thigns done and if I start to feel used I send him out for toilet paper (he never even NOTICES until it's gone).
So, key background detail: Last year I moved his stuff for him. By myself/with movers. In the pouring rain, across a flooded yard, with a Jeep with brakes that FAILED on the first trip, and movers who tried to charge me 50 percent more than the agreed-on price as soon as they saw there was no man there (didn't work, but they broke a desk and a lamp and didn't even TELL me!). While my roomie was biking through the south of fricking France.
This year, our moving is scheduled for a time when the university, through some major bureaucratic bungling, forced me to take a class which lasts from 9 to 4, is only one week long, and is in a subject that I have NO familiarity with. And my roomie just told me that he will be out of town until Monday. So he can't help me this weekend. So I can either wait until he gets back, and do it during my class (really not a good option). Or do it myself.
I'm doing it myself, but I'm mad. He was like, what's the big deal. Do I have a case here?
Uh, yeah, you have a right to be mad. Why the hell isn't he helping move y'all's stuff? That doesn't make any sense and if he doesn't get it, he's an idiot.
i'm a tiny bit confused. is he unavailable to help move your stuff or unavailable to move his own stuff or both? if he's unavailable to move his own stuff and he's assuming you'll do it, just tell him you're unavailable too (because of the class or whatever) and he needs to make other arrangements. if he's unavailable to move your stuff on the days that are convenient for you, i can see why it would be annoying to have to do it yourself, especially because you moved his stuff last year, but i probably wouldn't be mad at him for not being able to move your stuff because well, it's your stuff, you know?
as for last year, did you offer to move his stuff or did he ask? if you offered and it was all done while he was away, he may not be aware of all the trouble you went to. of course he should still have expressed his thanks and gratitude but if he just has a laissez faire attitude in general, he may just not have registered how much out of your way you went for him. hth!
First, to clear up the confusion: last year he was taking a summer abroad program, and asked me to do it for him. I didn't have to clean his apartment or anything, but it still really sucked. I moved two apartments worth of crap by myself on the same day - and of course everything went wrong and it was a huge mess. This year, we were supposed to move this weekend, but at midnight Thursday he told me he would be back Monday and we could just do it then. I have a final Monday, and a class that starts at 9 a.m. Tuesday morning, that I have to do a bunch of homework for. So I didn't like that option. Also, it turns out we have to be out of the apartment at 10 a.m. Tuesday anyway. Also, he asked me to call a friend and get a truck - all things he was supposed to take care of this year since he has good friends in town, and I don't.
1) He felt bad and offered to pick up the keys for me while I was in class Friday. Didn't do it. Then I called him after the rude apartment guy called me, and he did it, but he missed the walkout which is part of picking up the keys. The rude apartment guy was nasty to me about this too.
2) When he picked up the keys, he was supposed to give them a check for first months rent. He didn't do it, and I don't know what happened to the blank check I gave him.
3) I asked him to leave me his half of first month's rent. He didn't do it.
4) I moved all our furniture yesterday, except his bed and dresser because he told me not to go into his room, with the help of some people I don't even know that well. It sucked even more than last year because of stairs and heat and the apartment complex locking me out of the new place accidentally AFTER we loaded the truck - so until I yelled at them my stuff was either goign to have to go back up the stairs to the old place or just stay in the truck outside all weekend. PICKUP truck, too.
5) I wanted to hire movers, or at least a truck, months ago, but he said it was too much money and "it will all work out."
6) As of right now, I am a zombie, and as angry as I've been in my life. Also, this crap is just like dealing with my ex. Totally acting like I'm making a big deal out of everything, but seriously causing me some huge hassles, and acting like I'm being too fussy when I take steps to minimize the hassles, and then acting like I'm crazy when I complain about the hassles because he's not hassled because I DID ALL THE WORK.
I'm so mad right now. When he gets back I'm not sure I can even look at him.
what i did for all my guy friends who helped me move....got them drunk.
he owes you a buzz at the very least.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
This guy totally sucks and he is walking all over you. He is also putting you in the position of looking like a bad tenant straight away with your new landlord and that will not be very cool if you ever need a favor from your new landlord. I know it is too late, but if I were you I would say screw it and look for a sublease. I am assuming that you are a busy, fabulous woman and don't have time for his lazy, crap ways. Seriously, if you are going to be treated like crap by a man you should at least be in a situation to gain something out of it and you clearly are not in this situation.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln