Okay maybe I am going crazy... Lately I really don't have any desire to really leave the house. I just feel so uncomfortable when I'm out. I am obsessed with the fact that I gained weight with the baby that is coming off VERY SLOWLY. That people are judging me or something. I wish I could wear a shirt that says "I just had a baby" but really I did not "JUST" have her... When I do go out I'm in a hurry to get back home. I just feel out of my element when I'm out anymore. I think this is part of why I don't think I'll be up to going to my friends bachlorette party (see relationships forum). It's hard to even put in words. I have no patience for anything when I'm out either. I worry my oldest is going to act up, or the baby will get upset. They are always both very well bahaved when we're out but still I worry. It's bad when my hubbys asks "lets all go do ___" and I really don't want to. Am I going nuts? Will this pass?
Oh sweetie! I think it is completely normal to have those feelings, to be honest I feel somewhat the same way. I think the key is to just do it in baby steps. And focus on all the good things that happen while you're out. And you don't need to be so hard on yourself, you're recovery from surgery. You are a beautiful and wonderful mom!
I am glad you posted about this...I feel the same way, i would just rather stay in the house...I feel like whne I am out people are looking at me and wondering what I still have a stomach...losing the baby weight is harder than I thought....People always say why don't you exercise, I want to scream I have an infant to care for and have to work three days a week...when can i exercise!! I have 2 bridal showers to go to this weekend and I am dreading them... so itsapink thing I totally understand what you are going through...thanks for letting me vent too
One thing to keep in mind is that no one is thinking about you except for you. If I ever start to feel self-conscious, I just keep telling myself that I'm the only one who is obsessed with the size of my thighs.
But I think it's natural to be a little unsure. You've had a lot of big things happen to you in the last year, so there's no reason to beat yourself up over it. Like FP said, take it in baby steps. Start with the grocery store. Go to the mall during the day, that sort of thing. You'll feel better once you start relaxing a little bit. Good luck!
Now I know nothing about this but could you be suffering from post-partum depression? I also know that depression happens after any majoe life thing such as your surgery which was even more stressful seeing as how you have a new baby at home. Perhaps talk to your Dr about this and maybe he can point you in the right direction of what to do.
I hope this passes for you and realize, you have two gorgeous healthy children who love their mommy whether she is 200 pds or 120 pds. You're a good mother and that's what matters the most.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I think what you are feeling is normal, but I want you to know that you have nothing to be self concious about!! Every time I see a pic of you on ST you have this like glowing, beautiful, happy face!!! You have naturally rosy cheeks and such great skin and hair. You just look so sweet! There is NO way people would look at you and not think , oh, she is so cute!! I gained a lot of weight after my wedding, I have a belly and I didn't even HAVE A BABY!! I was really self concious about it at first, but then I thought, I don't care!!! I feel fine and if I don't want to be super skinny that's my perogative. I realized that if I have a positive attitude and just have fun, I don't feel like peple are judging my weight. Just put on a big t shirt or sweatshirt or whatever the heck you feel comfy in and go have fun with your hubby and your girls, they love you so much!! And don't feel bad about wanting to hibernate a little right now, you have been through so much and you deserve some "you time".
P.S. If you don't come to the Chicago ST gathering because you feel like we will judge you, we will find out where you live and COME GET YOUR A$$, we don't care what you are wearing!!!!!!
P.S. If you don't come to the Chicago ST gathering because you feel like we will judge you, we will find out where you live and COME GET YOUR A$$, we don't care what you are wearing!!!!!! -- Edited by Luv2Shop at 13:40, 2006-07-28
lol, this cracked me up. what a caring sentiment, such a good friend thing to say, you know?
itsapinkthing, i think the key is to be gentle with yourself but at the same time don't give into the feeling. the world yours for the taking, don't deprive it of the pleasure of your company, ok?
Awww honey...I think you and I have some of the same ideas running through our heads right now. And I think it's normal. And it doesn't make you a bad friend or spouse or mother if you give in to those feelings every once in a while.
One thing to keep in mind is that no one is thinking about you except for you. If I ever start to feel self-conscious, I just keep telling myself that I'm the only one who is obsessed with the size of my thighs.
I agree with what everyone else said as well. And blubirde is so right: I can guarantee that the only person that is judging you is you. It's so easy to forget that sometimes, but it's true. We are our own worst critics.
Anyway, I hope you start feeling more like yourself soon. You will. If you feel like something is really just not right, it might help to see your doctor and tell him/her about how you've been feeling. I'm pretty sure that what you're going through is pretty darn normal though.
I'm sorry you're going through this. And I think everyone has given good advice, although I know how hard it is to follow. I mean, you obviously know all this already. Good luck. You're a great mom with, of course, great style!