Not that I ever really though barbie was a role model, but have you seen this?!!? What are we doing to our little girls?! And you should see her outfit, scandelous! There is a whole line of these with the "My scene Barbies"...
YES! I was meaning to post about this actually - but totally forgot.
I was looking at the Barbie's the other day and they TOTALLY look like drag queens!! They aren't even pretty. They don't look human anymore; they're like alien creations/street hookers.
Don't EVEN get me started!!!!! You should hear me every time we are in the doll isle looking for stuff for my 7 year old cousin!! I literally scream "THESE DOLLS LOOK LIKE WHORES!!!" The Bratz dolls are the worst. And I hope all the moms and people shopping can hear me. It's disgusting. I am so scared to have children because I HONESTLY don't know how I would begin to raise a little girl to not be a whore in the world we live in and all that she will see around her. It literally makes me sick to my stomach. When I have kids I want to move to the mountains and not have TV.
I love kids' stuff and I think I would be a good parent in the future, but this is one of the big reasons why I probably won't have children.
This doll is 100% UGH. In general, IMO, Barbie is just one big UGH!
I will give Bratz one HUGE thing. They make dolls (with attainable/normal body proportions) of just about every race imaginable and did it before MyScene copped that idea. I acutally own a Bratz doll because it was tragic never being able to find an Asian Barbie just to play with when I was growing up. The first wave of Bratz dolls had girls of every race.
God, this is frightening. I wonder what the Barbie's name is? Gutter Slut, perhaps? I hate those Bratz dolls and I think it's so sad that they outsold Barbies last year. That's a sad, sad message about America. And it sucks that Barbie's taking her lead.
I've always wanted a girl when we decide to have kids, but it's sad to think of what kind of world she might grow up in. I hope girls still stay interested in American Girls dolls--I loved those so much when I was growing up. They were so wholesome and...just...well-intentioned.
Side note: Do we know if Barbie and Ken are back together yet? I remember when they "broke up" like last year or something and it was all over the news that day. So weird.
I hope girls still stay interested in American Girls dolls--I loved those so much when I was growing up. They were so wholesome and...just...well-intentioned.
The price point of the American Girls dolls in incredibly prohibitive IMO. My family would never buy me one because they balked at the idea of a doll costing almost $100. I think the price point should be lowered about 40%. I can buy heirloom porcelain dolls at the same price point...why would I buy plastic?
I agree that they're well-intentioned, but the creator Pleasant Rowland IIRC is an incredibly conservative individual with so easy to swallow views if you're a social liberal.
Frankly, I don't see what everyone else sees is wrong with Bratz as a whole...some of the collections are kind of off (the Vegas and Lingerie ones come to mind) but in general I think they're a heck of a lot better than Barbies.
Lilykind wrote: NCshopper wrote: I hope girls still stay interested in American Girls dolls--I loved those so much when I was growing up. They were so wholesome and...just...well-intentioned.
The price point of the American Girls dolls in incredibly prohibitive IMO. My family would never buy me one because they balked at the idea of a doll costing almost $100. I think the price point should be lowered about 40%. I can buy heirloom porcelain dolls at the same price point...why would I buy plastic? I agree that they're well-intentioned, but the creator Pleasant Rowland IIRC is an incredibly conservative individual with so easy to swallow views if you're a social liberal. Frankly, I don't see what everyone else sees is wrong with Bratz as a whole...some of the collections are kind of off (the Vegas and Lingerie ones come to mind) but in general I think they're a heck of a lot better than Barbies.
One of my big issues is with the Bratz Babyz. They're in diapers and also have hair weaves, full on make-up, and are wearing their bottles around their shoulder like a purse.
I also have a problem with what they're teaching kids. First of all, there's stuff like "Xpress yourself" and "'Bout Bratz" in the navigation of their site. Way to teach kids English.
Well, I am creeped out by the Bratz dolls, but just because a little girl plays with them doesn't mean she will grow up to be a slut. My little sister (now 16) liked her Bratz better than Barbies and now she is into Japanese anime, NOT boys. Honestly, I am just hoping for her to finally take an interest in guys, but she is just not into dating right now. Anyhow, I digress. My point is that there are always going to be things that threaten the values we raise our children with. There are valid reasons for not having children, but I do not think that is one of them.
ETA: I just wanted to add that I am not a mother, and I know once that happens, my views very well may change.
Barbie is trying to copy the Bratz doll look since Bratz are selling more than Barbie. Bratz dolls are complete trash. At least you can still get lovely Barbie dolls.
Even their pin-up girl collections are more wholesome than Bratz!
I couldn't stop looking at those photos of the doll! Most of all, I can't believe that it's a Barbie. The Bratz pissed me off because they exist, but this Barbie disapoints me because Barbie use to be pretty, inspirational, and following her different personalities - she was certainly an inspirational sort of doll. But now this?
If I saw someone walking down the street dressed like that, I wouldn't even know what to think. I would probably bust out laughing. I certainly wouldn't invite her into my home to play with my (hypothetical) daughter.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
Frankly, I don't see what everyone else sees is wrong with Bratz as a whole...some of the collections are kind of off (the Vegas and Lingerie ones come to mind) but in general I think they're a heck of a lot better than Barbies.
One of my main problems with them is there name, hello Bratz?!? Also, a lot of the outfits are very hoochie-esque and several of them are wearing a ton of make-up. I think it is good that they don't have huge boobs and tiny waist like Barbie and I like all the different nationalities and hair colors, but I'm not sure that I would buy my daughter one, but then I wouldn't buy her just any Barbie either (like the one posted).
I really think that you ladies are giving a doll too much credit. We have all had things that older people would say could have influenced us poorly, including disco. Yet, most of us have turned out okay.