I have been really busy with school and work and I am a terrible person and almost forgot that my 5 year anniversary is coming up this weekend.
What should I get my bf? In previous years, I had more time and did nice stuff like a photo album and scrapbook of things but I have no time. Ack! I know I am totally painting a portrait of myself as a selfish, self-centered gf..
I just really want to do something that he will like and that would be nice. Anything outside of a nice dinner (as that will be a given)..
Please please please help this deadbeat girlfriend!!!
A few of his interests are:
Beer Computers Geek stuff Sausage, meat... cooking. He's a great cook.
If he likes cooking you should look up fancy restaurants around you that offer cooking classes (there are a few around me that do). I have always wanted to do that, and it seems like it would be so fun and interesting for someone who likes to cook!
If he likes computer stuff, thinkgeek.com is also a good site.
Has he mentioned needing anything for his computer lately? If he's *really* into computers, find out if he needs more memory for his computer and get him some, he'd probably be impressed if you got him some RAM.
Is there a new computer game he wants?
If you really can't think of anything, he might appreciate a gift certificate to Microcenter/CompUSA/whatever computer store is in your area.
dot - what about ICE? they have really fun classes that you can do together and they offer beer/wine at the end of your THREE hour cooking class to enjoy with the meal you just made. plus, it's right by the path station on 23th st (if i remember correctly, you live in hoboken?)
Oh you are not a bad gf. I can't even tell you the date of my first date with my bf. Now that is kind of a bad gf move because I should know these things!!!
That said. If you have a ton of pictures of you guys you can always get a photobook made on dotphoto.com, snapfish.com, etc and then write in pen on the pages by each photo which would make it more personal.
For beer you could go to wholefoods or a really good liquor store you could get individual bottles from all different breweries which maybe fun to try out.
Other ideas... dvd burner? does he have one. I think they are kind of cheap now for the computer.
monica! thanks for remembering.. yes i am in hoboken.
thanks ladies for all you suggestions. i was up late last night but i found this really cool class at the artisanal cheese center that for beer and cheese (two of his passions!).
here is more info on it! i hope he likes it! i think it will be fun to go together!