The biopsy will take place at 1:00 today and I am so not looking forward to it. I need to vent...
It's called a core needle biopsy where they make a small incision and use this big hollow needle to take tissue samples. What they will do is make me lay on my stomach on a table with a hole in it for my boob to hang through. Then they smash the hanging boob in this mammogram vice so they can see what they're going for better (the brochure for the procedure has an illustration of the set up and it looks like a torture device). They reassured me that I would be numbed up for this and they would give me valium if someone drove me (needless to say, my husband's driving! give me the valium, damn it! ) After they take the samples they will place titanium chips in the areas they have taken samples from so they can locate the areas more easily in the future.
They told me to wear a snug fitting bra afterward (I am totally visualizing a flat pancake boob that I will need to hoist).
It just all sounds so painful and it makes me cringe to think about it. Then I have to wait a week for results... that's going to be an extremely long wait...
ugh - needed to vent... wish me luck!
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Good grief! It's the 21st century! You would think that they could come up with something that's a little more dignified and less medieval-like than that kind of contraption.
Anyway, good luck! I'll be thinking of you. That week between having it done and finding out the results will undoubtedly be loooooooooong. Let us know what we can do to keep you distracted.
Good luck hon and hope everything goes well. Wow that does sound horrible when I had mine done I was put under although that was a long time ago(about 10 yrs). Let us know how everything goe(((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Good luck! That does sound really unpleasant but try to think about something completely different if you can while you're there. I hope everything goes well!
D - my mother went through this exact procedure last year. She had calcifications in her breast and had to have the same boob smooshing biopsy you will have. She is at high risk because my grandmother had breast cancer.
Everything turned out to be fine. The calcifications were nothing, but need to be continuosly monitored via regular mammograms (which she should get anyway). Also, she was quite worried about the chips in her breast, but there is virtually no scarring. You can kind of see where the chips are though, b/c they are a bit discolored.
She said the procedure was quite painful so I would recommend taking any drugs you are offered. My mother did not take anything except for the local anesthetic, and she was in pain.
Let me know if you have any questions for her - I will certainly ask.
We were all very scared, but it turned out to be fine.
good luck- that does not sound fun. see if you can get the valium early so you can take it before you even leave your house- that way you'll be nice and relaxed and loopy before you get there. i'll be thinking of you!
Good grief! It's the 21st century! You would think that they could come up with something that's a little more dignified and less medieval-like than that kind of contraption.
Seriously! Laying flat on a table with your boob hanging through a hole? It's like some wierd opposite-day glory hole! Good luck...take the valium! And vent on here all you want!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Good luck. My mom has had this procedure at least once and she never mentioned the pain, just that she felt kind of weird and uncomfortable, but I think she might have a really high tolerance for pain. Try to keep yourself very busy while waiting for the results. My mom had so many suspicious things show up in her mammograms that she started requesting that they do a lumpectomy instead of a biopsy because hated having to wait.