For those of you who do not eat out for lunch everyday at school or work what do you eat? I'm tired of eating burgers everytime I go to work, but I don't know what to take. I was hoping to get ideas from you ladies. TIA.
Do you have a break room w/ a micorwave and small kitchen?
I typicall take to work those lean cuisine or healthy choice types of frozen meals. I stock up on whichever type is on sale at the grocery store. You can get like 5 for $10, so the savings really do add up if you compare it to how much you spend eating out everyday. I also typically bring a few other small things such as: yogurt, carrots, fruit, pretzels, veggies, etc.
Leftovers from dinner. Or if there aren't leftovers, I will usually make a sandwich in the morning. Sometimes if I don't have time, I will bring a mini frozen pizza.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Lately I've been eating a can of Progresso Soup. Right now, Lentil and Split Pea are my favorite kinds. I also usually eat a string cheese with my soup.
We have a fridge at work so at the begining of the week I go grocery shopping and throw roast beef/ham and cheese in there so I can make sandwiches for lunch.
I also eat tuna out of the can w/ relish.
Uncle Ben's Noodles bowls are super yummy. I like the Thai Style one.
It varies from leftovers to frozen meals (lean cuisine type) to sandwiches. If I'm running late, I'll tear romaine lettuce w/a side of dressing & a cup of yogurt.
I bring my lunch everyday. I either bring cereal (I keep a small container of milk in the fridge) or microwaveable soup (lentil is the soup of choice currently). I also bring some string cheese, laughing cow wedges, and fruit for snacks during the day and before going to the gym. That way I'm never tempted to hit the vending machine.