I have 3 clusters of microcalcifications in my right breast. I am scheduled for a biopsy on Tuesday. I discussed this very matter-of-factly with the Dr. and told her I was fine, and that I'll get through this, and that I was scared. She responded, "well, if you weren't scared there'd really be something wrong with you." I think we both know what this is, but who knows, maybe the biopsies will come back clear.
I called my mother, and she wants to come with me, but I don't want her along. When I spoke to her today, she was like "oh, I'm sure it's nothing" -- since she's the cancer expert and all. I'm not so sure it's nothing. Anyway - I just don't want her there - she stresses me out. She stressed me out when I called her about the biopsy and was dismissive of my fear, etc. We even started getting into an argument because she's so convinced that calcifications are nothing to worry about, and through my research I know the clusters of microcalcifications can mean otherwise. I want my husband to go with me.
I also need to quit feeling sorry for myself and crying - my hormones are not helping right now. And I shouldn't worry until the biopsies are conclusive. I hope first that everything comes back clear. And if it doesn't, that it's just a lumpectomy and radiation. I can't imagine losing my breast.
thanks for listening - it does help me to get this stuff out, and I do value my ST buddies' support. thanks for being there for me.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
sometimes you just want to be afraid and worry about the what if. hopefully in the end your fear will be for nothing, but at least you are preparing yourself if its not.
I am so sorry to hear this news, but from what I can tell about you through this site is that you are a very strong person and a fighter and you can make it through this. We are all thinking of you!
I'm so, so sorry you're even having to deal with this - it's just not fair at all.
Just because you know you will get through it (which you absolutely will!) doesn't make the actual process of getting through it any funner, but at least it will be a light at the end of the tunnel. Of course I hope for you that it's nothing at all. But even if it is, you've done yourself a huge service with your dilligence. Things can be done, they will be done, and then you can be done with it!
Hang in there. We're rootin' for ya!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Listen, if you don't want your mom there, then she's not there, that's all there is to it. It's your decision and you are the one that matters, right?
You are going to be absolutely fine but I definitely know even the thought of cancer is scary. How can it not be?
I think you'll get through this beautifully, just like you do everything else. My thoughts are definitely with you right now, as are the other ST girls.
and (((hugs)))
And I think you should spend the weekend doing whatever it is that relaxes you and gives you pleasure (food, shopping, etc.).
don't let anyone ever invalidate your feelings..especially when it comes to something like this. You definitely have every right to be upset. It is upsetting..
But I know it will be ok in the end.
In the meantime...take care of yourself!!! maybe you should go for a walk? go hang out with some friends or maybe hubby? Anything that will prevent you from staying at home in front of your computer..weeping..
Everything can wait..you need to take care of you...
thanks everyone for your support - it means a lot to me.
bluebird - I bought myself a pair of shoes as therapy -- pretty gold flats that of course were a bargain -- because I need another pair of shoes
ayo - I know, I'm pathetic weeping at the computer - lol, but my husband is at a business function this evening, and the girlfriend I called hasn't called back yet. if it's ok, I'll just hang out with you guys, ok? maybe I'll watch some tivo to get my mind off things...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I am soooo praying for you and thinking of you!!! You are so strong and you are being so calm and positive as opposed to what I am sure I would do, which would be freak out.
It's funny but when something bad or upsetting is happening to me I am like "I just want to go to ST and talk" It's not that I don't have "regular" friends, but I hate calling and bugging people and feeling like I am just calling to complain. Here on ST, I am not bugging anyone (I hope ) , and those who want to respond do so on their own time. And also, I always feel like everyone here can sympathize with whats going on, or give some good advice, or make me laugh. It always manages to make me feel better talking to everyone here, hearing their woes, and knowing this huge group of tremendous and fabulous women are there for me, maybe even thinking of me in my time of need. I am always talking about people on ST to my husband because it is such a big part of my life like: "so and so on ST is going through this" or "so and so from ST gave me advice on this" And he is like "Who are these people??" He just doesn't get it!!!! You guys have become my best friend, the "girl" I know I can always turn to when I need ANYTHING. I just want to say THANK YOU for ST and tell you that we are behind you all the way!!!!! BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE!!!!
detroit wrote: if it's ok, I'll just hang out with you guys, ok? maybe I'll watch some tivo to get my mind off things...
of course it's ok! let's think of fun ways to make the time go by faster. i'm going to start a thread of distraction questions and then we can all have fun answering them and getting to know each other better.
I'm so sorry detroit. My mom definitely does the "Oh, everything will be alright" falsely positive thing too and it drives me crazy. Sometimes when you're scared or upset or angry or just pissy, it's nice to hear someone be upset with you, just so you can feel like you can vent. So anyway, I'm sorry your mom isn't providing that for you. It's frustrating.
Anyway, if there's anything at all that we can do for you, let us know. We're here for ya!
I'm so sorry you are going through this. Know that no matter what you are strong and you will get through this no matter what the outcome. Love, Hope and Prayers your way.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw