I've only got 2 weeks left until the wedding, so I'm throwing a pity party! My reasons are wedding related, but you don't have to have weddinggripes to be invited to this party! All complaints are welcome here! Any takers?
-My 'best friend' (also my MOH) forgot my birthday. She has not called to check with the wedding guests she's supposed to be confirming as coming/not coming. She was supposed to meet FH and I at the beach yesterday and never showed and didn't call. Flakiness is the one personality trait I have ZERO tolerance for.
-On a similar note, MOH was supposed to be arranging a shower for me. She talked to FH about who to invite and got my other BM's and my mom's numbers. She said she'd saved money for it. I haven't heard a thing about it since, and neither has anyone else. Seems everyone got too busy and forgot . I never asked for a shower nor was I expecting one, but I was excited that they'd thought to do it and was looking forward to it. I guess I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. So my aunt called today and is trying to organize a last minute thing this weekend, which is so sweet of her - but it will likely include only a couple of my aunts, mom, and mil. I fear that I'll get there and there will be like 4 people and I'll feel sorry for myself. Well, more sorry for myself than I do right now.
-I'm mad at myself for not losing any weight before the wedding. I had all the time in the world and just didn't. Now our engagement pics are day after tomorrow and my wedding dress is already altered to fit, so I don't have time to lose it at all. I took pics of myself in possible engagement pic outfits and was going to post them so I could get help deciding, but looked so heavy in them that I just deleted them from the camera instead.
Crap. I feel guilty and ungrateful for feeling disappointed about the shower stuff. And really lame that all my social insecurities have come rushing back so easily.
-- Edited by Elle at 20:18, 2006-07-10
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
oh Elle I am with you on a much needed monday pity party. Work sucks right now and I'm sick and tired of studying for these stupid cpa exam tests and I just can't take it any more but I had to schedule them because the testing centers are filling up. So its now or never. July 27th and August 27th are the magic dates. I hope I'm ready by then. With work bf and I just keep feeling like we are getting screwed by working hard and being dependable/non-flakey. It is so frustrating. I swear I'd do better just slacking off some and playing on ST a tad more - sadly i know i won't do that and i'll just keep working myself up and frustrating myself but that's just the way I am.
At least your wedding is just 2 weeks away and then you will be married and honeymooning. Just remember the end is almost near and everything is going to work out.
I definitely need to join this Monday pity party! I have a huge accounting exam tomorrow and a journal club discussion to prepare for tomorrow (meeting with docs and professors to discuss an journal article regarding new medical/medication practices etc..). It is summer time and was a beautiful day out and I had to be stuck in my apt. all day alone studying and preparing for tomorrow. I always hate mondays because that is the day i drive back 3 hours to school for my classes tuesday-thursday. So its alway sad because i have to leave my family at home and drive back to a lonely apt. On top of that ive been thinking about my ex alot lately and i can't seem to get him out of my head today, and its been over two years since we've broken up.. errrrr! I have just been feeling so Blah today, one of those I don't want to get out of bed days.
Elle - as hard as it is, don't let your friends/MOH get you down... Just keep looking forward to your wedding day and honeymoon which will be fabulous!!! I know everything will turn out perfectly, so try not to stress (i know thats easier said than done)
Aurora - I totally feel your pain with the studying thing. It is so unbelievably hard to stay motivated during these summer months!
-- Edited by nicoley013 at 22:52, 2006-07-10
"Deep down you may still be that same great guy I used to know. But it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you" Rachel Dawes, Batman Begins
I know this is kind of indirect, but is there any way you can sort of mention how flaky the MOH is being to your other friends, sort of "I know she's sooooo busy..." and then just ask someone else to do the things she's not doing. It's understandable that she's busy, but why should you have the extra stress? Just delegate it to someone else, and if she gets offended, say she was just too busy and you didn't want to have to worry.
I feel you, every time someone doesn't show up, I totally think "they don't LIKE me..." but really, I think people are just busy and sometimes thoughtless - especially if they think no one will call them on their shit.
Hope it works out honey! Weddings are soooo stressful!
I have million things to do before my last day at work (Friday) but I'm staying home today with killer cramps (making up for the last 3 cramp free months, I guess). And I know I'll be bitched at for taking a sick day after I resigned but hell, I have 9.5 left and they wont pay me for them. And cramps mean period, which means not pregnant (not that we're really trying, just kind of hoping for an "accident"...)
It really hit me that I'm going to miss my friends down here like crazy. I've never really had to move away from such a great group before, and I'm afraid that I'll never find anyone as good as them. We're having one last girls night on Friday, and I know I'm going to be a sobbing mess all night. Plus, I stupidly packed all my going out clothes.
Speaking of packing- my entire apt is packed up. And I don't leave until Saturday. And then I won't get my stuff until sometime in the middle o next week- hopeully it'll come before I start the new job Thurs. so I have time to unpack a bit. Fun.
elle- try not to stress too much. You're wedding will be gorgeous, and so will you. Don;t be araid to ask people or help- they'll a(t least pretend to) be honored to haver been asked.
I'm just sad. Really really sad and I don't know why. I have no reason to be, my life's pretty good and I'm sad. I just want to cry. I'm at work right now and all I want to do is curl up and go to sleep. I hate feeling like this especially when I have no reason for it.
Elle, don't worry (I know easier said than done), everything will work out fine and you'll be beautiful, the wedding will be beautiful, and the wedding with go off without a problem!
And cramps mean period, which means not pregnant (not that we're really trying, just kind of hoping for an "accident"...)
Not to get your hopes up cause I didn't have "killer cramps", but I definately cramped when we found out we're having a baby. And according to Jenny McCarthy's book, so did she. Just wanted to share that, cause I didn't know that could happen and was convinced that my period was coming, but it never came
Elle, chin up kiddo, you're going to have a beautiful wedding and a fab honeymoon and this will soon all be behind you. And if it's any consolation, I'm sure if some of us ST'ers were there, we'd throw you the best freakin shower ever!
Elle everyhing is going to be just fine and it will all work out. Just keep in mind that you can relax on your honeymoon. You are going to make a beautiful bride and if you still want post those engagement pics please do! We will help you choose. I agree with FH the STers would step up and throw you the best shower ever....
Crap. I feel guilty and ungrateful for feeling disappointed about the shower stuff. And really lame that all my social insecurities have come rushing back so easily.-- Edited by Elle at 20:18, 2006-07-10
Don't feel bad for being disappointed! It's not that you're ungrateful for not having a shower... you were excited that someone was doing such a wonderful thing for you, and it's awful that she didn't. You have every right to be a little upset about. I can't imagine how stressed and busy you must be! You and your wedding will be so beautiful!
My turn...
~I failed a class last quarter, and I contacted the prof so I could know why. She said that "the syllabus states that any student with 8 or more unexcused absences will fail the course, per the English department." I was in the hosiptal with freakin' failing kidneys... what exactly constitutes an excused absence? My advisor was not what I'd call helpful, either. Looks like I'll be taking that class again this quarter.
~My best, oldest friend in the world and I have recently reunited (we had busy schedules and different ideas of what fun was), which is so great... but she and her bf seem to be pressuring my boyfriend and me to get an apartment with them. I love them both, but I wouldn't want to live with them. I can't seem to get the words out so I keep saying "that would be fun!" but not discussing it further, in hopes that it will all go away. I'm such a chicken.
~I just added up how much I have in CC debt. It's not a very significant amount, but it's something. I'll be able to pay them all off this month, but I'm really mad at myself for racking them up in the first place. I ususally have the frame of mind that if I can't pay for something in cash then I can't afford it... what happened there, I have no idea.
I don't really have anything to have a pity party over except for the fact I have to give a speech in 20 minutes and instead of preparing (because I just found out I had to give it half an hour ago), I'm here on ST. And, to top it all off, the speech is in an oral presentation class (work training) and the instructor just said to not put things off until the last minute. I suck. Boo.
Elle - I'm sorry about the shower. I'd be really bummed if it were me. Did you call and ask your friend why she didn't show up at the beach? I'd politely remind her about the people she's supposed to call and tell her X volunteered to do it if she doesn't have time. (In my experience with my BFF's wedding, everyone was more than willing to do whatever she needed. She just didn't need any help because it was a very small affair and a wedding planner did all the work.)
As for the shower this weekend, why don't you have your aunt (or another bridesmaid) call all your friends and see if they'd like to stop by for the impromptu party? That way there's no pressure and more people can show up. Be sure and have your aunt call your MOH just to throw a little extra oomph in there.
As for losing weight, I can assure you every bride I've ever known wanted to lose weight before the wedding and didn't do it. (Or at least didn't reach their goal.) The only person who will notice those 5 pounds is you. Your dress is tailored to fit your body and you will look amazing in it. That's the only important thing to remember.
Aww...I'm sorry Elle! That sucks that your MOH is being such a flake. You deserve much better than that.
Anyway, I'll join in on the pity party:
* I have absolutely no motivation left at work. I'm tired, bored, and uninspired right now.
* I'm in the process of rolling over all my banking stuff into my joint checking account w/ DH. We've had separate checking accounts for the 2+ years we've been married and one joint checking account. In the process of moving things over, I've let two bills slip that were coming from my checking account and as a result, I've overdrawn twice, which has meant that I've been charged $20. Barf.
* I really need new glasses. I haven't bought new glasses since my sophomore year of college (2001) and the prescription in my old glasses is so old that I can't really wear them even around the house without bumping into things. My contacts are fine but I think they're taking their toll on my eyes, which constantly feel dry and itchy now. I can buy new glasses this month, but Nordstrom is having their sale and I really want to shop instead of buying new glasses!!!!!!! Sometimes being a "responsible" adult really friggin sucks.
* We're remodeling our master bathroom and it's totally torn up right now so DH and I have to share one bathroom and it sucks. And because we're ripping out the tile, the bathroom and our bedroom are covered in a fine layer of dust so everything is filthy.
my only thing is that i wish i took a really nice luxurious vacation before i accepted my new job, not that i can't now, it just seems like it will be harder to coordinate my two schedules. somehow skiing in January for my birthday is not like relaxing by the beach in the summer.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots