A Benetint lip gloss (it sucks and I only use it at bedtime because I look like a streetwalker when I put it on) and a Diane Medak cami/underwear set (I like it a lot, though I never would paid the $106 retail for it or something like that)
Lilykind wrote: I've won two. A Benetint lip gloss (it sucks and I only use it at bedtime because I look like a streetwalker when I put it on) and a Diane Medak cami/underwear set (I like it a lot, though I never would paid the $106 retail for it or something like that)
Ok, you have renewed my hope. I swear, I've entered a billion and nothing!
I never remember to enter them, but I know a few girls on here have gotten some great stuff. Didn't someone win a active endeavors shopping spree not too long ago?
Yeah, I've won three of the smaller Lucky sweepstakes. I also won a pair of Manolos from Bluefly and a bunch of cleaning supplies from ivillage (which was totally random because it was the one and only time i ever went to the ivillage site). Anyway, I think it is totally worth the 20 seconds it takes to fill out the form.
I won Sally Hershberger Face Volumizer a few months ago. I'm still not sure how to use it. I assume it's for wrinkles. It came in a padded envelope with no note or instructions. I'm too lazy to look it up online, but I do know it was worth $50!
I haven't been entering them as much lately, but in the past I've won two- a Victoria's Secret body powder and a Stila lip glaze and lip liner set. If I remember correctly, it was leahleanna who won that awesome Active Endeavors shopping spree.
I won a huge box of jewelry from alltherage.com. It just showed up on my doorstep one day - I called the number on the return label & they were very nonchalent - "oh yeah, you were a luckybreaks winner" - it was fun though!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
laken1 wrote: I won a huge box of jewelry from alltherage.com. It just showed up on my doorstep one day - I called the number on the return label & they were very nonchalent - "oh yeah, you were a luckybreaks winner" - it was fun though!
Whoa, that's cool. I like the element of surprise.
I was one of the first however many people to sign up for a neutrogena makeup bag with a few things in it and the new sunscreen but haven't gotten either one yet. It said wait 6-8 weeks for delivery but I've recieved about 3 lucky magazines since then. I'll have to find the old issue and email them to see why I never recieved it.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
I've won more stuff than I can count from Lucky. Some really good stuff too! Though it's been a while since I have won anything, I think more people are entering now which is slimming my chances down.
Well I finally got something in the mail. It was supposed to be 2 lipglosses and a power and eyeshadow in a little bag. I got a lipgloss- which is still better than nothing so I'm not complaining. I'm still waiting to see if they send the sunscreen or not. I'm not holding my breath though.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
i have been entering threir contests for 2 years straight and never won anything.
i also try the allure free stuff. i set my alarm and everything so that i am on a nd ready to push submit at 9:ooam on the dot(i'm on the west coast) and never recieved anything from that either.
Kitty wrote: I wonder if it matters whether or not you say you want to get on their mailing list...
HA! Sometimes, I'm like should I check this box or not since I would really like the prize! That's why you should have a separate e-mail specifically for entering stuff. They say it doesn't effect your chances but who knows!
i have been entering threir contests for 2 years straight and never won anything.
I've never won anything either and I have been entering every single contest from the first issue of Lucky breaks. I've only won one sweepstakes of this nature-- it was a Fashionhag contest for a cute hat. I'm shocked that there are people on here that have won more than once. I guess I'm just not 'lucky' (bad pun--hehe-sorry).
Kitty wrote: I wonder if it matters whether or not you say you want to get on their mailing list...
HA! Sometimes, I'm like should I check this box or not since I would really like the prize! That's why you should have a separate e-mail specifically for entering stuff. They say it doesn't effect your chances but who knows!
It definitely doesn't affect your chances!! I work for a diff mag and used to completely coordinate all of our sweepstakes. It's a zillion percent illegal to use anything as a consideration (it has to be random chance for anyone who enters), and I'm sure their legal department takes it just as seriously as ours does. :) That said, I've entered like every Lucky and Bluefly sweeps ever and I've never won anything. Sad!