Another forum (which I won't name) is always commenting to me that I need to wear more fitted shirts......Quite frankly, I'm not a fan. I don't like them and it's not my style so I get defensive when it's mentioned. (Yeah, I know it's silly).
Anyone else just not like fitted tops and has a tendency to get looser ones? Anyone have a particular style in general they like, that people are always trying to get you to change from?
I just want to say that you rock your style so well, who gives a crap what everyone else says. Some things are not for everyone.
People just stare at me on the street like I've lost all my marbles when I try to take fashion risks. I'm ready to have Stacy and Clinton jump at my doorstep and put me on What Not To Wear any second now...
Thanks I think you guys here understand my look MUCH better than the other site does! My goal is not to show off or flatter every curve on my body all the dang time!
I'll wait for Stacy and Clinton too, lol; I'm sure they'd love my flip flops, denim minis at age 27, baggy shirts, etc.
(And I think you look fab. in your outfits too....I couldn't pull them off, but you wear them well!)
My mom is ALWAYS telling me that my clothes are too seriously gets to me. I mean, she's not very fashionable herself, and she's only one person..but I totally take what she says to heart because I feel like she's one of the few people that would be totally honest with me and she's my mom.
CarrieS I love your style. I'll see things while out shopping and think to myself, "thats very CarrieS." Then I usually feel like a crazy person for thinking that because I don't *know* you. But yeah, I love that you have such a clearly identified style thats yours.
Your other site clearly isn't as fashionable as we are.
I think you pull off the looser tops very well - they work very nicely with your figure since your legs are so great, and you always balance them with a not-too-baggy bottom.
I myself avoid them and tend toward the fitted top/not-so-fitten bottoms combo because I'm more bottom-heavy. Maybe the people on the other forum are bottom-heavy themselves, and are projecting their own guidelines onto you instead of appreciating your own tendendcies? Or maybe they're all hoochies that are into the teeny cropped cami w/ mini skirt and stilettos look?
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I think you pull off the looser tops very well - they work very nicely with your figure since your legs are so great, and you always balance them with a not-too-baggy bottom.
Ditto. I think we all agree that you have great legs and you should show them off. I think you do that really well and in a subtle, classy way. I think if you were to go the more tailored, form fitted route on top with minis and whatnot, you'd end up looking like you were trying to put it all out there and trying too hard. And I don't think that's *you* at all, ya know?
So, point is, don't listen to them. They don't know what they're talking about.
Yup, I agree, I also love your style, it's like no other. Try not to let those other people from the other site get you down, everyone's different, that's what makes us all special. LOL
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I love your style!! I like looser shirts too, and if I wear tighter shirts I *always* layer them b/c otherwise it's just not as comfortable.
This kind of reminds me of the other day when I went to see The Devil Wears Prada. Waiting for the bathroom, this woman was complaining about how the clothes "would make anybody look like a clown" and "whoever styled the actresses had no clue about fashion". I don't remember exactly what she was wearing, but I remember laughing hysterically b/c she clearly thought she was more fashionable than Chanel and well...she wasn't. Don't let other people get to you, they're usually the ones who have no style themselves.
I luv yr style too. If you've noticed my TS posts.. I've been getting hooked on slouchy items... I think now that I'm older... I feel like I don't have to show as much skin! lol.