I need to upgrade my phone. Today I was surfing online my Cingular's website and saw a deal for the Razr phone for $99 after rebates, $149 up front. So i decided to go into a couple Cingular stores in town to see what offers that have for the Razr. The first store was $99 after rebates, but $169 up front. So i Thought I might pay that extra $20 for express shipment if I bought it online, So I tried to go ahead and get the phone at the first cingular store, since it would be about the same price. One problem, my number is out of state and they cannot do an up grade for out of state phone numbers. The guy there suggested I got to another Cingular store where they can do up grades for out of state numbers. So i went to that one, but the price for the same phone was $179 after rebate and $249 up front. Ridiculous! I talked to the manager and asked why they prices were so extremely different than online. He gave me a speel (sp?) about features and that online customer service is bad. I told him, my current plan I have is great, tons on minutes with rollover, I will purchase insurance on my phones just like I have before, and I don't need email and internet features. He told me to print out what the website was selling and bring i to him. I asked him if he would price match since it's the same company and him store is an official Cingular store, he said he can see what he can do.
My question is should I buy online or wait and take the computer printout back to the Cingular store and see what he can do, I think he would not want to lower the price to $149 from $249, he sound very hestitant when I asked if he could price match. Thanks in advance!
I would call Cingular CS. When I got my Razr (last year), there was an online exclusive deal going on but it said that my account wasn't eligible for an upgrade. I called CS to ask what the deal was, since I definitely was eligible, and they sent me the phone for the online price... it arrived the next day and I wasn't charged a shipping fee. I'd just explain your situation and see what they can do for you.
I would call Cingular CS. When I got my Razr (last year), there was an online exclusive deal going on but it said that my account wasn't eligible for an upgrade. I called CS to ask what the deal was, since I definitely was eligible, and they sent me the phone for the online price... it arrived the next day and I wasn't charged a shipping fee. I'd just explain your situation and see what they can do for you.
I'd do this too. I was at Verizon the other day and a lady had a similar situation, and the salesguy said that she'd honestly have better luck with the phone CS.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
We just did this online too. I haven't ever needed "service" on my phone so I would rather save the money. Those retail stores are independently owned & I'd be surprised if they price matched - call me a skeptic but I'd be worried that after going through the hassle they'd still screw me. Maybe I'll feel different if the phone ends up breaking, but we chanced it.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad