It is time for those fire works again. This is a reminder of the year 2000 my daughter,grandson, son in law and husband were to go shoot off a few at the beach. It was geting late so I decided to stay home and go to sleep.Of course my husband talked me in to going I was to only watch, we were only there a little while as my back was turned a large bottle rockett came out of no where only to go straight in the calf muscle of my right leg and on fire. It wasn't ours and to this day will never know who's it was. It took a few months to get well, so anyone that is out there hope you all have a wonderful time and be careful Happy July 4th to all of you.
-- Edited by hello kittie at 23:07, 2006-07-03
-- Edited by hello kittie at 00:10, 2006-07-04
The best part of waking up is coffee in my cup!!!!