My head hurts so much and it is only 10:15 in the morning.
I work nights and got off work at 7:30 this morning. I drove to work last night and parked at a meter instead of having my BF drop me off like he usually does. He fell asleep really early and I decided to be nice and let him sleep. I figured there are always a couple open spots and the meters are free until 8 am. So...I am walking to my car this morning and it is attached to a fricken tow truck, about to be towed to the impound! The towing guy says I wasn't supposed to be parked there between 7-9:30 am due to rush hour...however, the sign that is supposed to inform me of this has been torn down due to construction, and there is no temporary sign. So I am supposed to be psychic, obviously. Duh, why didn't I know that? There was a sign (which was pointed out to me by the towing guy) across the street, but aren't signs supposed to be in both sides, because sometimes there are different parking rules for opposite sides of the street, right? And, the towing guy wouldn't release my car and I just had to stand there and watch while he towed my car away.
So I call my mom to vent about it and she offers to pay to get the damn car out of the impound (if I paid for it now, that would all my grocery money and then some and she knows that) and already has the check in the mail (I do tell her all the time that she is the best mother who ever walked on Earth). She tells me that it is okay because shit happens and she loves me. So I am feeling better...
Later she calls asking me about the HPV vaccine and asking whether or not I should get it. I was like, yeah, I should talk to my doctor about it, but I have already been infected with one strain/form of the virus and she acts as if this is news to her--hello, she knows this! Then she asks how I got it (who the hell knows?!) and asks if my BF gave it to me (not necessarily to talk bad about him because she totally loves him) because he is the only person I have been with, right? Haha, yeah right! Then she starts asking who else and asks names. I say I am not going there with her and that is basically the end of the conversation.
So I have eaten three Pillsbury cinnamon rolls and I am sure I will eat many more before the day is over. Is anyone else having a worse day than me?!?
Gosh, I am sorry you're having such a bad day! But ... it will get better!
At least you know your car is going to be back in your possession (and you'll be reimbursed).
There is no reason for moms to know how many guys we have been with, etc., etc. Do what I do (and what a lot of others, I am sure, do) ... lie! She'll get over it.
And ... you are so lucky to have yummy Pilsbury cinnamon rolls! I want one!
Hmmm...the whole towing issue bothers me. Who called the tow-truck? Did they just drive by and take it upon themselves to tow your vehicle. Do you have a digi-cam? I would take pic's of the non-posted sign area. Because the sign is posted across the street doesn't mean a thing, it HAS to be posted on your side or a temporary one must be there. That is the lamest excuse ever!
Call the tow truck company and complain. The driver could have let your car down while you were standing there, but they wanted the fee. Call the tow company and see where you get with them. If nowhere, let them know you are calling the police, and the city manager (yes they take calls) to get more information. And- let them know you will file a complaint with the BBB regarding their company.
This crap makes me soooo mad. They recently had a problem in my city with tow truck drivers and misconduct of this sort.
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
The tow truck thing really bothers me, too. Was it a city sign or a private sign that was supposed to be there? As soon as you can, go back to the location and take a picture showing the sign was torn down. Write down that on this date about 7:30 a.m., the tow truck driver acknowledged that the sign had been torn down.
If it's a city sign, I'd call the City of ____ and ask who you need to talk to about being reimbursed for your tow costs (usually a tow company won't reimburse you unless the company they were working for does it).
If it's a private sign (like some stores put up the "we tow" signs, etc.) then I'd call the tow company, raise hell and find out who you need to contact that they work for (although that probably won't be very useful but it might scare them a bit).
I don't know about your state but in Texas, there are very specific laws regarding tow signs. And yes, they have to be on each side of the street because different sides of streets have different rules.
If it comes down to it, I'd file a suit in small claims' court. They can help you with the proper forms to fill out because lots of people file suits against tow truck companies and I'm sure they've dealt with it before. I'd also call the BBB (although a fat lot of good that does) and write your local "consumer report" type person on the news/newspaper.
Um, no, I definitely can't top your bad morning. Good luck with the suit, it sounds like a good idea, and that guy was such a jerk! Hope things get better soon, sweetie!!!!
The tow truck thingy is bad! I wouldn't be surprised if they ripped down the sign themselves to get "victims". I once saw on tv how tow truckers are like vultures waiting for their next vehicle.
This is so typical in the city Jac - I cannot tell you how many times B's car has gotten towed or he's gotten a ticket and there has been no sign. Did you get a parking ticket as well? I just talked to B about it and he says to take pictures of where you were parked and contest this whole thing in court - it's not legal what they did. The sign was ripped down and that's not your fault. Ugh - this city makes me so mad sometimes.
Call or pm me if you have more questions, but B said to take pictures and to file a police report. Good luck - let us know what happens
BTW ((((((HUGS))))) I hope your day gets better - call me if you wanna go get a drink you poor thing.
I feel for you and I agree that you should fight it using all of the above good advice from everyone!!! That is one of the biggest reasons I HATED living in the city!!! There were never any good parking spaces by us (my and my ex's apt.) and he was such a lazy ass that everyday he would park in this spot behind our building (where there were no signs) so he didn't have to park to far away, and he finally got a ticket. But then he KEPT parking there and kept getting more tickets!! He was a lazy SOB, but I agree, you never know where you can park in the city without getting a ticket, just rediculous the signage, or lack there of!!!
Ugh! That sucks! Having your car towed would be bad, but then having that conversation with your mom afterward would be awful. I feel for ya! Hope your day gets better. Hey, at least it's Friday!!!
if you want, my bf has a letter that he has saved on his computer that i could send to you. it has gotten him out of every ticket he's ever gotten he's never gotten towed, but i'm sure he wouldn't mind coming up with a letter for your circumstance. he HATES the city's ridiculous taxes, parking meters everywhere, toll roads, he's always willing to fight against the city taking more money from tax payers so i know he wouldn't mind writing a letter. there's nothing you can lose. just let me know if you want that letter, or him to tweak that letter for your situation.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Thanks for the advice and words of encouragement, everyone. I am going to take pictures and I have a hearing scheduled for this Wednesday (I am nervous!). And I have since talked to my mom and there was no mention of who I have slept with, so that is out of the way now!