my boyfriend invited me up to his parents' vacation home for the holiday weekend. we've only been dating for about six weeks, so this will be the first time that i'm meeting his family. (i'm a little nervous!) i want to bring a gift, since i will be staying with them for several days and want to thank them for their hospitality. i'm trying to put together a unique gift, not just a bottle of wine or something (they're not big drinkers anyway)...
i was thinking about doing a small basket filled with some homemade cookies and sparklers (for the 4th). any ideas for a few other small things that i could toss in there? also, does anyone know where you can buy sparklers? i've never bought them before.
if you want to do a fourth of july theme, maybe you could stick a flag in there too. you can usually buy sparklers from those makeshift stands that sell fireworks. they usually set these up in supermarket parking lots, etc.
Very exciting!! Well, you can get sparklers at places like Jewel or Dominicks, any large food store usually has them. Also, maybe you can put in some fun games that all of you can play over the weekend to break the ice with them. My hubby and I love playing games with the P's. I reccomend Cranium, Battle of the Sexes, and Taboo. All very fun. Also, maybe some cheese and crackers and little sausages to much on. Those are always nice to have around on a holiday weekend. have fun!
I think fresh flowers are always a great idea - it's thoughtful & a local grocery usually has pretty one that aren't expensive. I love the sparkler idea though..
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I don't know if B&BW is still having their sale but maybe some of those pretty flower wall plug-in things would be nice to throw in there. (I just recently went and they were $5, so it was a pretty good deal.)
Hmmm... what do they like to do? If the mom is into cooking or something, you could put the new Rachel Ray mag in there. And if the dad likes... uh, what do dad's like? fishing or something, you could put a fishing mag in. Or maybe a copy of the NYTimes or something if they don't have a subscription.
Some nice coffees from a nicer coffee shop (not Starbucks) if they drink coffee...
Some wildflower seeds if they like gardening....
Hummingbird feeder/feed if they're into birds...
Decks of cards & some nicer poker chips (you can buy different colors at a game store) if they're into poker...
Some apple jelly or something organic/interesting like that if there's a store nearby that would sell things like that (a country store or something)...
A small windchime...
A scented oil burner (you know the kind where you put the tea light in the bottom?)...
Okay, I think I'm all out. If you know some things they like, I might have more ideas later.
Oh, I just thought of something else! How about some yummy pestos? Bella Cucina pestos are the best and they have little recipes on the jar that tell you how to make something. You could whip whatever it is up while you're there as a treat. I think they're sold at Whole Foods, hold on let me see...
well, I can't find out online where it's sold in B&Ms but I think it's at Whole Foods. If you have a gourmet food place where you live, I'm sure you could find it. Here's the website:
I just thought of something else. You can go to Bed Bath and Beyond or Crate and Barrell or Pier 1 and get a nice pitcher and glasses set maybe with some matching coasters for the holiday weekend. That way if they aren't big drinkers they can use it for iced tea or lemonade.
i don't know very much about them yet (it's still pretty early in the relationship) so i was nervous about what to bring for them. but now i have some great ideas!