of my baby! I will be having a . . . BOY!! I'm still in shock, I thought for sure I was having another girl. I don't know anything about baby boys--it seems so different than my first experience! Just thought I'd share.
No and we are totally open to suggestions!! Boys names are so hard! We really like old school, non soap opera-ey names so if you or anyone has any favorites, please bring em on! Maybe something that goes well with Lucy (his sister)?
Boys are cool...they get all the cool dinorsaur and firefighter tshirts. Seriously...boys have much cooler shirts, like the AB/CD (with the lightning bolt as in AC/DC) tshirt I saw at the beach shops this past weekend. Congratulations, again!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Congrats! I'm like you though- we are an all girl family & I wouldn't know what in the world to do with a boy. I think it would be fun though! You can dress him in little polo shirts & jeans - how adorable!
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Yippee! It's a boy! So excited for you and A and Lucy too, of course. I give a nod to Andrew. I love that name. BTW, when are you guys moving again? I'd like to talk to you.
"I paid off a poker debt with sexual favors, and I fell in love. It's so romantic. It's romance." - Pamela Anderson
Thanks everyone! Relrel--the shirt you described (AB/CD) sounds great--I'll have to find one. Okay yall are getting me a little more excited. I think I'm a little bummed that I'm not having a girl! I hate to say it and I know it will change, but I'm just surprised. I'm such a girlie girl myself--but I'm sure it will be great. I like the suggested names everone, thanks. I like Andrew but unfort. it's out b/c it's been used on my hubby's side recently. We like Charlie also but it's my nephew's name--but we are considering Charles. Any other suggestions are welcome.
Does anyone like Henry? I thought it would sound cute with Lucy but I don't know.
Does anyone like Henry? I thought it would sound cute with Lucy but I don't know.
Henry sounds great with Lucy. I also like Simon with Lucy. The BF is good friends with this English couple named Lucy and Simon and the names are the coolest together, so British and Mod.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
alb wrote: Does anyone like Henry? I thought it would sound cute with Lucy but I don't know. Henry sounds great with Lucy. I also like Simon with Lucy. The BF is good friends with this English couple named Lucy and Simon and the names are the coolest together, so British and Mod.
Yippee! It's a boy! So excited for you and A and Lucy too, of course. I give a nod to Andrew. I love that name. BTW, when are you guys moving again? I'd like to talk to you.
Hey Misty--We are leaving on July 25th--in 3 weeks. I got your generic email today (about your phone number). I'll respond to that so we can chat (or you can call me, but my cell is dead right now, go figure.) Look forward to touching base with you!