i want to MURDER my neighbors dog! according to my bf, the dog has been barking ALL weekend as well as this morning. today, it started at 5 am and has not stopped and i need to get a bit of sleep today.
the thing is, this dog is new. i've never heard it before. our neighbors are somewhat new and they are two ladies (partners) living together. they keep to themselves, unlike the rest of our condo association (everyone hangs out in the courtyard on the weekends, etc...) so i've only said hi to them in passing. if it was someone i knew a bit more, i would have no problem gently mentioning it, but i don't really know these ladies so it's a bit harder. i really can't take the dog's barking anymore, but i'm just not sure how to approach them.
i walked by the dog this morning and saw the little $hit. (they're not using the a.c. so the dog was at the screen door) and saw that he's not a puppy. so i was thinking that maybe since there was a lot of pride festivities this weekend, maybe it's a friend who's staying with them's dog? maybe they haven't been home all weekend? (there's NO way they could just ignore that dog all weekend. i mean there's no breaks in the barking at all!) i really want to give them the benefit of the doubt.
so, should i wait till later in the afternoon to approach them in case the dog is just a weekend guest? i was thinking of writing a simple note and leaving it on their door. is this a good option? they live on the corner unit so they will probably know it's us, but i can't take this anymore. i don't want to have tension between us because we've had NO problem before this, also, since it's been 3 days of barking, i don't want to jump the gun, but a lot of times i sleep during the day so this needs to be addressed soon.
so ladies help me! what should i do? also, if it lasts much longer, my bf will never let me get a dog so i'm not going to let this little brat ruin my chances!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I'll speak on behalf of the dog owners here. When we first moved to our new place our dog barked more than usual. He was settling in and just adjusting to the new house. However, he did not bark all day and all night. And it stopped after a week or so. I would mention it to them because there are training methods for them to control their dogs barking. Keep in mind they may be emberrased about it. It's like having a child that doesn't behave. You think it's your fault.
Are there any condo laws about noise after a certain hour? You could mention that, or the best way to do it is drop some cookies off as if you were just saying "hello new neighbor" and when the dog comes up just say something like. "oh I was wondering where all that barking was coming from"
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I'll speak on behalf of the dog owners here. When we first moved to our new place our dog barked more than usual. He was settling in and just adjusting to the new house. However, he did not bark all day and all night. And it stopped after a week or so. I would mention it to them because there are training methods for them to control their dogs barking. Keep in mind they may be emberrased about it. It's like having a child that doesn't behave. You think it's your fault.
i know, that's why i feel bad about bringing it up. they've been fine neighbors so far, but this dog is STILL barking. i swear, it doesn't sleep. i guess i wouldn't be so annoyed if there were breaks in the barking. i mean, if there a breaks or different tones, i would know that the owners are there either doing something about it, or there dealing with it too (maybe not doing anything about it). i really really want to give thme the benefit of the doubt, but i can't wait a week. i mean i feel like if had music too loud or something, i would want to know because there's a good chance i don't even realize it's too loud. maybe it's the same thing with the dog? maybe they're not home and don't realize it? at this point i'm just going through all the "What ifs". i've even wondered if maybe something's wrong in the house?!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I would suggest a muzzle! Just kidding! If their is no noise rule, I would have to work up the courage to confront them on the issue.
But I do think I have something to top that. My sister says the neighbors across the street have 4 grown dogs. All they do is bark at everything and anything that moves. To top that off, they don't realize they should get their dogs fixed because they have 11 half grown puppies. Why can't they get rid of them?!! Sad but true, most people prefer to get dogs when they are small, not almost grown so more likely than not, when these dogs end up at the pound they will probably be euthanized. And she just found out the other female dog had 11 puppies! They have 26 dogs! Holy crap! She is just tired of the large dogs barking and the pups yelping all day long. There should be a law against having that many dogs, but they live out of city limits. And I do mention, in the past 4 years, they have had I think 3 other litters of puppies. Bob Barker would not be too happy.
time for me to nap before work tonight. ahhhhhhhhhhh.
it's only been 8 hours of non-stop barking!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
This would drive me crazy! I really think it would be fine if you went next door and talked to them about it. You could say something like "Hey, I'm really sorry to bother you, and you may not have realized this but your dog has been barking non-stop and we've been unable to sleep because of it. Is there anything you could do?" Be friendly and understanding and I think they'd have to work with you on this.
i e-mailed my bf and he said we'll have to do something if the dog is like this tomorrow. i feel so tired and i have to work 12 hours tonight.
he joked that we should print a picture of this with the website www.ultimatebarkcontrol.com... and leave it on their door.
ok, enough venting (btw, it's still barking).
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Since you live in a condo I imagine there is some type of neighborhood association. If so could you let them know so that they could contact the neighbor with the barking dog? That way you would not have to feel bad putting the note up there and possibly getting into an awkward situation with them. If not, you could always take him a ton of rawhide bones as a housewarming gift and hope that he spends hours chewing on them. He can't bark if he is chewing!!! LOL!!!
Maybe the dog is visiting and is scared and anxious. My friends came with their puppy once. The first night we went out for dinner and drinks, leaving the puppy in his crate. When we got home, there was a not so nice note on my door basically telling me to shut my damn dog up. He barked the entire time we were gone. The rest of the weekend was spent in the house or doing things the dog could do with us. It was annoying for everyone involved.
I kind of pitied the dog because he was so afraid and clearly had some separation issues, but I was so relieved when they finally left. He also woke up every 2 hours in the night and barked, yelped and whined to be taken out. I think I called in sick to work the day after they left just so I could sleep!
Anyway, just leave a note. Or if it is their dog, a list of doggy daycares in the area...
Well, have you seen the dog owners yet? Somebody has got to be feeding the dog. If there is no activity in the home in days, perhaps they are dead inside and the dog is trying to tell somebody! I do think you could call the cops for a noise nuisance.
Well, have you seen the dog owners yet? Somebody has got to be feeding the dog. If there is no activity in the home in days, perhaps they are dead inside and the dog is trying to tell somebody! I do think you could call the cops for a noise nuisance.
the insulation is pretty good, but i did manage to hear drawers being shut at 5am this morning between the barking which makes me even angrier because it means they're home when the dog is barking and not doing anything. i've been busy for the last couple of days so i didn't hear it much, but my bf and i heard it last night again and this morning. i am feeling extremely sleep deprived so my bf is sending an e-mail to the condo association.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots