If I lease a car in my current state (Ohio) and then move (to Minnesota), do I have to change the registration/license of the car in order to get insurance in Minnesota? Is it even possible to change the registration of a leased car? Or is it possible to get insurance in one state for a car registered to another state?
You don't have to for insurance purposes, your insurance follows you whereever you go - but you need to change the registration if you are moving. I know in Texas you have 30 days to change your license & registration or they can ticket you (ask me how I know )
Why wouldn't you change it? And know that the insurance in your new state will most likely be a different rate. Louisiana had the absolute worst rates because of the overall % of uninsured drivers (somewhere around 40%) - but Texas rates were way better for me with the same company, same car....Just FYI.
ETA: and yes, mine was a lease and yes you can change it. You need to treat it just like you own it.
-- Edited by laken1 at 22:34, 2006-06-25
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
you can get insurance policies written in the state you live in without being a resident. So check the rates for your new state and if they are lower then get them to write the policy for you in that state. I am not yet a resident of texas but I had to get my own insurance (my dad couldn't keep me any longer) so I called up geico and asked about the title/registration/residence questions and they wrote me the policy for the state I lived in. Hope this helps