It's official. I don't trust anyone anymore. I am like the most paranoid person. I don't want down dark alleys...all that stuff...I grew up as an army brat, with a father who was in the intelligence div and still works for the army. I grew up in Germany during the Libya bombings, and am somewhat like a little military kid still..I'm on guard always. I have an unpublished phone # & an unpublished address...and once I got one of those scam ltrs..It just pissed me off and made me write every agency that seems to never do anything. Someone broke into my account once & took $190, which I got back, and it was a Nigerian 419 scammer who could not spell. I wouldn't sell anything to someone who spelled apologize with an "s". (edited: wrote in small caps---and stated to please ship a sidekick 3 to Nigeria. I don't know what a sidekick 3 is) People who dupe people aren't very nice. I don't give any information out ever, and had to change everything...
I also got an email from some lady asking for handouts...She lives in Tennesse, and I'm in MN. Does she seriously think I would do that? If I were to do that, it would be through a local agency. She said she was divorced, had a 6 year old kid, made $7.50 an hour, and can't afford luxuries..Why would you write anyone over the internet, someone you didn't know...asking for such things? The address didn't check out.
I don't understand why some people like to rip off people, send letters that are just stupid, and so forth. It ticks me off. I am turning into my mother, and wish the world was full of peace and not all the bad stuff.
No, but I edited a bit. I totally made sense before, but I did tweak it again. The apologise thing was just one issue, there were others and if you read the entire thing...see would be annoyed too! I'm like the most sane person, I just hate when people try to scam others. It makes me want to seriously finish my accounting degree and go help the FBI. I was just ranting because those types of people totally kill my sense of what is good in this world if I am in a good mood and now you tell me I need counseling b/c sometimes people in this world are not I feel even worse.
I actually get my feelings hurt pretty easy, and I'm almost in tears. I thought you could rant on here, but I guess not.
"Dear Mate,My sister have contacted me that she apologise to you ,and she told me that i should transfer the sum of 190USD to your account for the shipping cos to her store in Nigeria .And the remaining amount will be transferred to your account as soon as you send her the shipment tracking number for the Sidekick 3 . Kindly shipped out the sidekick 3 now and please contact my sister at: . Thanks and God Bless..."
I see that you edited your original post but I'm still kind of confused. Are you just complaining about getting spam? Did you lose the $190 from random credit/debit card number theft or because you fell for one of the spam scams?
No, someone broke into my account, it was something w/Ebay. I don't know. I had never heard from this person or responded to this person. They broke into my account, took the funds, I got them back. I don't fall for this kind of crap. I'm not an idiot. I'm an accounting major and I'm going to specialize in Fraud and that is prob why it ticks me off more than anyone. I guess I care if the world seems to be so faulty sometimes...things like this irrirate me and make me really question the good in humanity when all you ever hear on the news and crap.
I use gmail,and hardly ever get was just a weird thing.
Oh I get those scam emails all the time and I know your frustration of sifting through the inbox to get to the real emails and you have to deal with these. I don't know what email program you use but if you use yahoo or hotmail just click on the spam button and that helps some. Just whatever you do don't click on the unsubscribe links on any spam emails you get because these people just make up addresses hoping to get a sucker to respond and once you click unsubscribe they know they've gotten a real email address and it only gets worse.
Try not to let spam bother you too much. Seriously. Everyone gets that crap and you just have to ignore it.
It's good to be concerned and look out for yourself, but to some extent you just have to live your life and you can't be paranoid that everyone is out to get you.
Try not to let spam bother you too much. Seriously. Everyone gets that crap and you just have to ignore it. It's good to be concerned and look out for yourself, but to some extent you just have to live your life and you can't be paranoid that everyone is out to get you.
Thanks. I should be that way...Maybe it's the 2 birth control pills I'm on that make me paranoid..? I don't know, but I do know I'm not insane. Your words are sincere...I was almost to the point of deleting my Stylethread account...because I didn't get it. I just won't rant anymore, maybe that will be okay. I'll take your advice to heart. I do try to live my life pretty simply. I have a great BF of 3 years, but hardly any gal friends except my sis. I thought it might be fun to chat w/other girls who like clothes & stuff....there's a reason I don't keep a lot of girlfriends close by...growing up as an army really don't learn to get close to many people.
It's midnight right now for me but I just wanted to tell you to remember that for all the sick mean people in the world there are a lot more good ones. When your feeling down try to think of good things people have done or do. Try not to let sickos ruin your way of living. Spend time with nice people you know or don't know. I know that something as simple as the really nice waitress at breakfast this morning can put a smile on my face to something bigger like knowing that a 13 year old at my sons school raised $5,000 to help huricane victims. I also think that you should not feel bad about ranting on here. Many of us have done it. It nice to sound off on ST sometimes in order to not go crazy in the "real world". Hope you feel better.
now you tell me I need counseling b/c sometimes people in this world are not I feel even worse.
I said you *might* want to *consider* counseling, because your initial post didn't make much sense, not "because people in this world are not nice". If you are going to be "sensitive and get your feelings hurt easily", you could at least react to what I *actually* wrote, instead of putting words in my mouth. I still think counseling might be a good option, because the level of paranoia (your term) indicated in your fisrt post doesn't seem healthy to me. It's not an insult - people get counseling all the time for different needs.
I thought you could rant on here, but I guess not.
Of course you can rant. Just as I can ask questions about your rant, if it doesn't make sense to me. I'm sorry that you are offended by my response, and hope you find some peace regarding all this.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Mirbear, please don't take any of those spam emails personally. Not everyone in the world is out to get you. Everybody gets spam scams and it, unfortunately, has nothing to do with whether or not your information is listed. As far as I know, the only thing you can do really is to sign up for the Do Not Call registry, which has worked well for me, but unfortunately, it won't help on the email front one bit.
Also, for what its worth, the Nigerian person and the Tennessee woman aren't REAL people. There is no woman in Tennessee that needs your help and is randomly sending out emails and neither is there a real person in Nigeria that really NEEDS a Sidekick and is randomly emailing you about it. Those are spams, designed to play to peoples' sensititivies in the hopes that they get one sucker to send them money.
A really easy solution to your problem would be just to not open emails from people you don't know. Because really, it's not worth getting all worked up over. Sure they're annoying and all, but they're not worth getting mad about.
now you tell me I need counseling b/c sometimes people in this world are not I feel even worse. I said you *might* want to *consider* counseling, because your initial post didn't make much sense, not "because people in this world are not nice". If you are going to be "sensitive and get your feelings hurt easily", you could at least react to what I *actually* wrote, instead of putting words in my mouth. I still think counseling might be a good option, because the level of paranoia (your term) indicated in your fisrt post doesn't seem healthy to me. It's not an insult - people get counseling all the time for different needs. I thought you could rant on here, but I guess not. Of course you can rant. Just as I can ask questions about your rant, if it doesn't make sense to me. I'm sorry that you are offended by my response, and hope you find some peace regarding all this.
I was exaggerating a bit; It's not paranoia so much as on-guard. I refuse to be taken advantage of. I still thought it was a bit harsh to say something like that to someone you don't know, but that's fine. I would never do that someone...I guess I need to buck up a bit. I think I am going to first delete this account. It was fun for a while, but I think that will give me peace at this point.