I spend all this time & effort trying to figure out shoes to wear with my shorts, by this Friday, and friend says she's not going out because she needs to rest her liver.
This pisses me off because it's not my fault she drinks at least 3 times a week and needs to rest her liver from that. I look forward to our Friday night gatherings because it's pretty much the only time I get to socialize! :(
Other friend is out of town for another week and the couple of other people that join us I'm not very close with.
what? couldn't she use this opportunity to earn points with everyone as the DD? That's what I'd do!
no joke! buy her sodas! have her document massive debauchery!
that said, i don't think your rant is entirely selfish. i want to know why she drank so much on three weeknights and therefore has to rest her liver. i also want to know why she must absolutely drink to go out...
I just thought I was being overly selfish because I want to go out (for the stupid reason of wearing my new shoes/shirt...and to have my weekly Long Island, lol) and now I can't because she's already at the bar 3 times a week on average.
I don't know why she couldn't go out and just have pop.....She's done this once or twice before too. I mean, if she just doesn't want to go out, she could just say that. I've bailed before because I just want to chill at home so it's not a big deal. And even if I wasn't drinking (for whatever reason), the 2 bars we go to are good for just chilling so having a non-alcoholic drink would still be fun.
I think being stuck in my apt every single day & night due to this unemployment is starting to bother me, so I really look forward to being able to get out once a week and hang out with people!
Thank god I start work on July 3rd though, so my socializing needs won't be so great
I might just see if *anyone* does want to go out though....
Hope you had fun - I've had to hang out with people that I normally wouldn't this summer, jsut to get out of the house, and I've actually had a great time. Maybe you'll find something more in common with the people that you dont' know as well? Or, well, maybe you'll realize there's a good reason you never liked them. In which case I hope you get a good story...
Can you guys do something else, like go to a movie or go bowling or something? Maybe she thinks she will feel left out at the bar (though "resting her liver" seems like a good idea if she's doing that much drinking).
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
CarrieS wrote: Ah, so it turns out that she's watching movies with a couple of people.....And I wasn't asked.
So hence, that's why using the word "friend" is wrong of me.......
She ditched your previous plans to watch movies with other people, and didn't even have the social grace or common courtesy to ask if you could come along? That crazy little social climber is never goign to be respected. This sort of thing drives me insane... I hope there's a better explanation, but if there's not, then what a weirdo!