So, I've been married for two and a half years and I've finally decided to change my last name. I've gotten a certified copy of my marriage licence to take to the Social Security office and DMV, but I'd like to know how long each of those things will take. For those of you who have changed your name, is it worthwhile to take a day off work and deal with this? Or do you think this is something I can do over my lunch break over the course of a few days?
Is there anything else I'm missing? I know I need to transfer bank accounts, insurance, payroll and about a gazillion other things. Also, my maiden name will become my middle name (since I don't have a middle name), so how about stuff like our property deed? Will I have to change that or will it be okay since it's in my maiden name?
when i changed my name going to the social security office was awful. i had to wait forever and the other people there waiting were ummm interesting. i think you can actually mail in your name change, you just have to send your marriage certificate and then they send it back with your new card.
i wouldn't worry about your property deed. as long as you still have a copy of your marriage certificate you can prove that that is still you.
I would take the day off- or at least half the day. Anytime you have to deal with these places it takes forever. I always try to go at an off time like not on lunch. Everyone tries to get stuff done on lunch so it's always more crowded during that time in my experience.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
My experience was pretty easy. I was in and out of the SS office within like 45 minutes and had my card within 2 weeks. DMV was a typical DMV experience but still took about an hour, no more.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
When I changed my name, I went to the DMV and social security offices about 30 minutes to an hour before they were closed the door. My logic is that the workers want to go home and can't until everyone has been helped so they'll likely work a bit faster than usual. I was in and out of social security in 20 minutes -- there was no line and all the windows were open. DMV took about an hour. Avoid Mondays and Tuesdays like the plague.
My experience was pretty easy. I was in and out of the SS office within like 45 minutes and had my card within 2 weeks. DMV was a typical DMV experience but still took about an hour, no more.
Same here, I changed it 1 year after I got married and did the DMV and SS office the same day since I was on maternity leave. I think half a day is fine, my town had just opened a SS office in the area, so I didnt have to drive to the city. It wasn't as packed as I thought and like Collette said, the DMV was typical exp. as usual.
Changing my accounts wasnt that hard, I called in and most of them changed it then and there, for a few I had to mail a copy of my marriage cert.