I know this should probably be in the "relationships" board, but it seems like nothing really ever happens over there...
I've been casually dating this guy for a little over a month now. However, it's still going supremely slow between us because we live an hour and a half away and have only seen each other on the weekends, and only one night each weekend because we've both been so busy. Today he called me and told me that his grandfather, who lives with him, is probably going to pass away sometime this week.
Now my question is, to what extent to I express my sympathies? I really don't think I should go to the funeral, because we've only been very casually dating for a short amount of time. If the tables were turned, I wouldn't want him to be at my grandpa's funeral, because I would be dealing with so much that having him there would only be an annoyance. I would send a card or flowers when the time came, but I actually don't know his address! He's come to my city see me most weekends, and last weekend I went home to see my family, who live close to him, so when we went out he just picked me up and dropped me off at my parents' house without ever going to his. I can't very well ask him "what's your mailing address in case your grandpa dies?"
Is there anything I can or should do? Or specifically shouldn't? I told him that he could call me if he ever needed to talk, but that sounds so cliche and I wish I could do something more - I'm just not sure if there is anything else I could do?
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
It may be easier to ask after he passes away. Once you hear the news, you can let him know you have something you would like to send to him and his family, can you have his address? I don't think it would be weird or inappropriate to send flowers and a card. You would if it was a new girl friend, right? I know it is hard to gauge how much you can show feelings in a new relationship, but definitely, in this case, you should do something for him.
Things not to do? I probably wouldn't go to the funeral or wake unless he invited me. I also probably wouldn't spend a ton of money on the flowers.
ITA with Maat. I wouldn't go to the funeral or even send something to the funeral home because that would cause questions he might not feel answering (you know, from Aunt Bea or whoever!). I know when my grandfather died one of my friends sent flowers to my house & it felt more personal for me & I really appreciated it.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I would also wait until grandpa passes to do anything.
And I think flowers and card sent to his home would be a very nice idea. You at least know his last name and his city right? I bet you can find his address on the internet pretty painlessly.
If you have his home phone number (it doesn't work with cell phone) you can google his number and it might bring up his address. Just google "555-555-5555" and see if it comes up. If he hasn't had the number long it might bring up the previous person though.
If I were in that situation, I'd say something along the lines of "This must be a really tough time for you. Is there anything I can do to help?" If he says no, I wouldn't take that as a bad sign or anything, but just let him know that you're there for him. I don't know how a guy would feel about getting flowers, but baking some brownies or cookies or something like that would probably be appreciated. I think you want to let him know you're there for him if he needs you, without stepping on his toes and being the ever-present, in-your-face girlfriend type.
You guys have good ideas... I can't look up his house through his phone number because he only has a cell phone, but I might be able to find it in the phone book. I'll be home visiting my family again for almost a week starting this afternoon, so I told him to call me if he ever needed to talk or get away or something.... it's so hard! If I was a girlfriend, I would know what to do because I'd actually have a place in his life. As it is, I want to show him that I do care and will be for him at such a hard time, without forcing myself upon him if all he really wants is space and time.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123