...because of all these happy pregnancy announcements? I managed to rid myself of my baby fever for a long time but I think it's slowly creeping back and babies are not something that will be happening for me anytime soon, if at all.
For me its not so much the baby fever that's getting to me but wedding fever. Luckily I think all the weddings on here are winding down by the end of the year so maybe I can get rid of that. I think I'm just baby adverse right now.
I want a baby so badly! Not only all the great announcements and new additions on ST, but 5 of my VERY close friends have either had or are having a baby this summer. My myspace top 8 is filled with pregger pics and baby pics! It's crazy. I want one! My hubby and I have talked about it A LOT, but we want to save a little $ first, and the time commitment would just be so BIG and we just can't handle that right now! We will probably start trying next year. But yes, I have baby fever BAD!!!!
Yes, I'm kind of getting baby and marriage fever, since I'll be 35 in September, don't wanna be too old when the kid grows up! I think I'd make a pretty good Mommy, only time will tell.
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
I kinda want a baby just so I can have something to dress up and play with. But as far as the responsibility and diaper changing and all that goes, I want nothing to do with it right now. So I think I'm going to take that as a huge red flag NOT to have kids right now. I think getting my American Girls dolls out of my parents attic and playing with their clothes for an afternoon would probably satisfy my urge to have a kid right now.
I seem to be experiencing the same effect. All this exposure to baby-related stuff, including the emergence of mamastyle, does actually make me think I want to become a mom! And since I got married almost a year ago, the timing wouldn't be that bad, either...
I was in Janie and Jack last week and that was the first time in my life I ever thought "it would be so nice to have a baby to dress up." I'm just nowhere near financially or emotionally ready to have a baby now though.
I'll just stick to my little sister for now. All that baby cuteness and no responsibility.
Yeah I'm definately having a bit of baby fever. I think we're going to start trying before the year is through. I know DH definately is ready. I'm the hesitant one!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Nope. Not at all. I love hearing about all the STers that are preggers and I love seeing the baby pictures but on the inside all I feel is relief that it's not me or my immediate IRL friends. How awful is that!
been there! and watch out, because when I had baby fever, I got pregnant. I think that maybe it's some kind of unknown physical emotional connection. Even though I had been "not-trying, not-preventing" method for over five years of marriage, it happened when I started feeling more than usual warmth towards the idea of bringing a little one into the world.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
How creepy...my best friend and I were literally just talking about this this last weekend! She and I have both always said marriage wasn't something we felt we ever really needed or wanted, the same for children. But we both looked at each this weekend, and we're like, "Yeah, we're starting to feel the desire to get married...maybe even a tiny bit of wanting to have kids." Craziness!
i totally have baby fever, and it's so not like me that i find it crazy. i'm not married, nor do i ever want to be, but i do want kids so that could get interesting...(grandparents would definitely be mortified. i *think* the rest of the family would be okay).
but when i mentioned this to my sister (who is 19) and my best friend (who has a six month old) they both said to me "not with (insert bf's name here)!"
well alrighty then. alas, i'm on the pill and won't be going off anytime soon, i am definitely not in a place financially where i'd be comfortable having a baby right now, but damn it i want one!
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I guess I was since I moved in with BF, I've been nesting big time. Hearing about all these pregnancies on STs is only making it worse. But first I'd like to be married
Yes, all the ST pregnancies and lots of coworkers bringing in kids has definitely given me baby fever. Too bad I'm single and no where close to being married!
lorelei wrote: been there! and watch out, because when I had baby fever, I got pregnant. I think that maybe it's some kind of unknown physical emotional connection. Even though I had been "not-trying, not-preventing" method for over five years of marriage, it happened when I started feeling more than usual warmth towards the idea of bringing a little one into the world.
Exactly, something about that life energy brings about life. That's when I got pregnant too, as soon as I stopped seeing my husband I some fun guy for me, but more someone I wanted as the father of my children *boom* pregnant
No, no pregancy fever here either. But since a lot of people I know are getting married, I defintely keep dreaming about weddings.
yeah, i think i need to take the natural next step to marriage before the baby step. but that being said, i love love love little ones and i'm soooo happy for all the pregnant ladies in a aunty sort of way.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Yes, I definitely feel baby and marriage fever these days. I always knew I wanted to have kids someday, but it's really intensified since my brother and his wife had their son in December. I've also been spending a lot of time with my boyfriend's nephew, who's started calling me "Auntie L," and I just have such a fun time with him and feel that love and protective instinct, and we're not even biologically related.
I even think my BF might have the fever -- over the weekend he said he wanted us to have a little girl, so I guess we're not the only ones who experience it!