I'm sorry things are not going on schedule for you poptart. Just think of all the fun you'll have though when you do move and get to set up your new place.
I am sorry, life sucks sometimes. Just try looking at the positives. Like after you get your new place, you get to decorate and have fun in being in a new place.
My addition: I am sick and that is so not good because I have a weekend packed full of stuff to do including the Relay for Life cancer walk. I really want to go home and go to bed. Tonight I was supposed to put our 4 baskets of clean laundry away, but instead I am going to eat soup in bed and watch so you think you can dance and ignore the laundry for like the 3rd week since they have been clean.
Oh, sweetie! I'm really sorry - and can definitely relate to all of those. Moving is so hard! Look, if it makes you feel better, you are my hero for picking up and just taking off - you're doing what so many people simply don't have the guts to do. And a year from now, you'll be so proud you did it, and all the inconveniences will seem so much smaller. (Plus, can the hotel give you some sort of upgrade because they messed up - is it worth asking?)
As for the heartbreak, {{{{{{big hugs}}}}} I'm so sorry. Um, not to be mean, but maybe the baby will be ugly? (ok, that was really mean, just trying to get you to smile).
I'm sorry for the screw-ups, poptart! Moving can be a huge pain. Just think -- soon, you will be all settled in your nice new place and won't have to worry about it again for a while!