So we found more mold and some damage to some of our shelves, so I called the landlord again and said "This is unnacceptable! The issue needs to be addressed immediately! Mold is a health problem!" He called and said "Oh, I didn't realize there were so many water spots. I can come by tomorrow and replace the whole carpet."
(I told him yesterday that there were many water spots and he said "oh, I wouldn't worry about that." Yeah, obviously pal.)
Before the landlord called, I left a message with the board of health explaining the condition and that it's been that way for a week. I was hoping they would come by tomorrow(to get something in writing in case we had to take it to court).
So now that the landlord is finally getting it together I don't know if I have a legal reason to break the lease. My husband and I are reasonable people and hearty too (we have a "eh, a little mold for a couple days won't kill us" type of attitude.)
On the other hand we've been walking allover the apt with the same shoes and I don't know if something microscopic can be on our shoes and spread to the "uninfected" rooms.
My biggest concern is that this (flooding) will happen again. Really, why wouldn't it happen again if we have to stay here another 9 months. Is there anything legal I can do to get him to guarantee it wont happen again? (i'm guessing no, how can he guarantee anything.)
And finely, should I ask him if he is willing to break the lease due to the extraordinary circumstances?
Again, we're dealing with a person who is kind of slow. It's like he's not sleazy, just stupid! He's not trying to jerk us around, he's just f*cking dumb.
If there is such a huge water problem, putting down new carpet is not a solution, only an expensive temporary fix. I would leave, getting out of the lease should not be a problem if you threaten to take legal action because it's a health issue. That should scare him enough cause if it's bad the place can be condemned.
If there is such a huge water problem, putting down new carpet is not a solution, only an expensive temporary fix. I would leave, getting out of the lease should not be a problem if you threaten to take legal action because it's a health issue. That should scare him enough cause if it's bad the place can be condemned.
You're right! I just had a flashback to my neighbor saying it's been this way for at least the 5 years she's been here.