Remember how they protested my claim, saying I was laid off due to "misconduct", but that was a mistake because they "accidentally" checked the wrong box?
Apparently at least 2 of the other people who got laid off also were challenged because of (drum roll)......Misconduct.
This means that I very highly doubt that checking the wrong box on the form was actually an accident.
As my dad said to me:
Antacids used because of the stress of a misconduct charge: $10.00 Sleepless nights wondering if there actually was misconduct: $80.00 Catching the company in a deliberate act of prevarication: Priceless
Ew. That sucks. Well, at least does it make it you feel better to know you never have to deal with them again? That the person who checked all those boxes killed a little bit of her soul with every stroke of the pen? That the person who ordered the box checker to do it probably has no soul, and the personal problems that go along with such a lack? That you won the battle, even though they cheated? Sucks to be them. Glad it's over.