I'm going to dinner with a few friends tonight to celebrate one of the girls bdays. She got me a small gift on my bday when we went out to dinner to celebrate (although it was just the two of us, not a group of girls like tonight). Should I get her a gift too? She just moved into a new house so I gave her a $25 pottery barn GC about a month ago for that. I think I would be the only one bringing her a gift, which may make it akward for the other girls.
What about just a bottle of wine or something? That way if others bring gifts, you have something too, but if not you can easily play it off as 'nothing'.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I never bring gists to group things. Maybe bring a card. If you want to give her something, I'd do it later on. She also probably won't want ot have to carry stuff around until she gets home.
I hardly ever bring gifts to group gatherings also but that's usually just because I'm always running behind on buying and I don't *have* to bring one to a group thing. I usually let them know I have something for them but I'll give it to them one-on-one.
But if I'm running ahead and I have the gift already, I have no problem giving it at the group setting. I don't think it's awkward if other's didn't get anything. It happens that way all the time.
And if she got you something for your bday, even small, I'd get her something too. It doesn't have to be big, just something so she knows you're thinking about her.
maybe just bring a card, and write in there that you also have a gift for her, but will give it to her alone the next time you see her? I've been to bday dinners/functions where I received gifts from half of the people, where I've been in the half that hasn't given a gift, and in the half of the people who did. It's awkward for everyone, I think, when some people have gifts and make a big deal out of it, and some people didn't bring any, for whatever reason (including, the reason of not wanting to give it in front of everyone)
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123