I have to lead a workshop about anything having to do with fashion for my drama class. Any ideas on games to play? One thing I'm having them do is to make an outfit out of toliet paper on someone. I'm also bringing in a huge fake fur coat and groups will have to make up a skit using that but what else? Thanks. Oh, I'm dressing up as Jackie O to lead the workshop!
Hmm, you could turn the toilet paper outfits game into a fashion show.... gather up a bunch of clothing/accessories and have everyone dress up as their favorite style icon or celeb then do an improv skit... recreate an outfit from a favorite play using only duct tape, aluminum foil, or some other random item... have each person bring an item of clothing, play a swap game, then challenge everyone to find a new way to wear/use the item.
Cute idea to dress up as Jackie O Good luck!
... stick 'em down your shirt and make your boobs look bigger!