1. A few weeks ago I payed both of our mortgage payments, I pay with checks through the mail. Just now I am figuring out that I messed up both payments and now I have to spend my lunch hour fixing it and listening to freaking phone menus which I hate!!!! On one check I forgot to write the total on the line so they sent it back to me. I sent another one, but they called our credit company to tell them that our mortgage was 30 days late!?!?!? Sorry, it was a mistake and I am only human, I sent another check right away!!! Second, on the other check I switched 2 of the #'s paying them about $200 less, and I didn't find out until now because I wrote it in my bank book correctly. I want to scream!!! That's the last time I pay bills at 11:30 at night!!
2. My husbands very close friend and business partner met this girl in Florida and they are now dating. I met her last month. She is nice and all, but she is just one of "those girls". She is kind of ditzy and really skinny and tan and wears slutty clothes and too much make up. She is the kind of girl that when I stand next to her I feel like "the fat ugly one". You all know what I am talking about. I know I am neither, but I am worried that my husband thinks she is prettier and skinnier then me (I know I have some insecurity issues right now, but I don't have time to work out, and I know that even though my DH loves me so much he sometimes drops hints about when I was skinnier my body was so smokin'!!) Now she is talking about moving up here at the end of the summer and in the bottom of my heart I don't want her too because of all of the above reasons and I know that makes me a really selfish bitch, but I don't care!!
Oh, I'm sorry :( But at least you have a great group of girls to share your pain with! My neighbor, who is also my husband's best friends wife is almost 6 feet tall and only wears a size 2. Honestly, I think it's a bit big on her!!
I feel poopy about myself sometimes, when I'm around her. But- then I remember that if my husband wanted a girl like that he would have one. Instead he has me, who is NO WHERE near 6 feet and certainly not a size 2. I make up for it in wit and cuteness
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
I just spent THREE HOURS waiting to get tires put on my husband vehicle. Why was I spending three hours doing it? Because my husband has failed to get it done for over a month now and rather than keep ignoring it and risk my husband crashing if one blows out...I'd rather just do it myself!!! I do way too much for him...but I would rather do it and know it gets done than worry myself sick over it. How can I stop this cycle???
Other than that...I HATE studying for the bar...I am already behind schedule and it is only the first week. Then I start to panic that I won't study good enough and fail!
I worked a 10 1/2 hour day and am 7 months preggo, and my freaking feet hurt!!!! I feel like a giant balloon. I cryed at work today for no reason other then hormones and was extremely embarrassed. I want to go shopping but there is no point and that is depressing. blahhh.
I want to thank you girls for your kind words. I am also pms-ing and that doesn't help my self esteem. But she came to visit him as a surprise this weekend and we were out with them today and while studying her I realized she really looks like a mouse, buck teeth and all, and all her long hair is a nasty, nasty WEAVE!!!!!!!! I feel better.
I think we all get like that sometimes. We are just our worst enemies. There was someone who I was jealous of. I thought she was prettier, could do more things and was just overall better than me. Then I really looked at her and she had a big nose etc etc. She lied about half the stuff she claimed to be able to do. I found out she was a complete fake but just held up a good front. Now I'm so glad I'm me and not anyone else. I hope you feel better.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."