There are two projects I want to do. One being a family book with photos, birth dates, date of deaths, and some other info about each person in my family (both sides). I don't even know where to start, but probably on the family tree itself.
I was thinking of including one page for each person in the family (there really aren't that many so it would an insane amount of people). What type of information should I include for each person?
what to include depends on if you want it to be more fun/casual or more formal I guess. Like you could have DOB, DOD, height, stuff liek that. Or you could add things like what their favorite food is/was or something they were best known for. maybe a quote that has a connection to them in some way...
ILC..I think I want to add stuff like favorite color, their educational background too. As much info as possible. I just found my grandfather's records on I am so pleased.
This is a really cool idea. I'd love to have some of this kind of info on my ancestors.
Anway, what would interest me would be: what color eyes? What color/texture (curly, straight) hair? Right handed / left handed? Birth order (oldest, middle, youngest, etc.) Where they grew up as a child (city, address?) What schools attended? And, from a very practical standpoint, any allergies? Chronic conditions? Not very 'fun' info, but useful...
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
Those are great suggestions, thanks. I am doing this for two reasons: 1 being I want to learn more about my and Gary's family and 2; we plan on having a child within the next two years and it would be great for our baby to know where they came from. And with our such diverse background, I think this will be great.
I think it would be cool to note special talents (art, music, etc.) and hobbies. That way if your kids are especially talented at something you can trace it back!