I work as a legal secretary and HATE my job, I have nothing to do, it's so hard to get up and go to work in the morning and by the end of the day I'm drained and depressed. But, I make really good money, great benefits and I owe a lot on my cc's and have a big car/insurance payment, etc.
But, I'm thinking about just going for it and turning in my 2 weeks notice.
I figure if I can make 12/hr and work at least 30 hours than I could make enough to pay my bills, car and get by. I could work close to home, cut down on gas, and save 2 + hours commuting every day. Plus, I think my fiance would help me with any extra's I might need (he does now anyway), and even though he's kinda strapped for cash right now too, I think if I keep waiting for things to be ideal financially, then I will be a hollow zombie! And I really don't know if I can keep waiting and keep doing this.
I literally am so depressed by the end of the day it's not even funny.
So, I was thinking I could be a receptionist somewhere fun, or work at a portrait studio (they train you), or work for a doggie daycare type place and I'm sure I could make $12/hr.
Right? I really don't know what to do. I'm so scared to quit, but, why? I mean, I really do HATE this!
I was reading an Anna Quindlen column today and it was basically about how the new generation values happiness over money and how smart that was. If this job is that crappy, it's not worth the emotional toll it's taking on you. Try to find another job or even 2 less stressful jobs if you want. Sell stuff on ebay, go on shopping bans, you can make it work. No job is worth your sanity.
how are you sure you'll make $12 an hour? is that the average where you live? b/c that seems somewhat high to me for positions like that.. also remember that summer is starting, so you will be up against students willing to work for much less..
i'm all about leaving soul-sucking jobs, but i wouldn't do it without a for sure job waiting for you when you quit.
QUIT!! no job is worth your soul, period, ESPECIALLY if you know you can swing it w/o. Serve tables maybe- you'll def. make more than $12 an hour. I'd set up some interviews this week, and maybe put two weeks in by end of week or next week. It'll feel SOO good to walk out- life is too short to not take leaps of faith every once in a while.
I did just what you are talking about. I was working as ana executive assistant for Citigroup. I was making really good money, but I was miserable. After returning to school full-time, I decided that since my husband will help me with some things, I am going to quit and that is just what I did.
Now I work 4 days per week at Bed Bath and Beyond making less than 1/2 per hour than I was at Citigroup. But I enjoy my job and the flexibility I have to take off when I need to and not feel bad about it. I am earning enough to pay down my credit card debt and that is all that I need right now.
I have never been happier with life. I have a job I like with nice people, free time during the week, and a flexible schedule.
So I say quit. But try to find something else first. You don't want to go without a job for too long.
I agree with lynnie - check out waitressing maybe, or go to a really upscale restaurant and see if you can work events. My cousin is a waiter at events like weddings and stuff and he gets $20 per hour, plus tips!! It's the worst hours, but it's not that many a week.
I also agree with the others though, that you should look for a job first, and then give notice.
Leave. You probably spend about 1/2 your conscious time at your job, maybe much more and you can't be so miserable for that great a portion of your life. Plus, it sounds like it's affecting the other part of your life outside of work because you're so drained and cranky. How long could you go without a job, though? If you leave without another job lined up, you might not make it very long. Maybe you should save up some money or line up a job, first. But maybe just knowing you'll bust out soon will make the last weeks at your job easier :)
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I was in a similar situation last December. I hated hated my job so much and could never get up in the morning plus I was making horrid money. I gave in my two weeks notice without a job in hand, but extending the news to all my contacts that I was in the job market. I got a better paying job the week after I left. I now work in a career I enjoy, with really nice people, AND my company is so generous with raises that by the end of the year I could be making twice what I was making at my old job.
Sometimes you just have to make that leap...it's character building and you will be able to do something better with your time if you hang in there!
Oh, my goodness. I've been going thru a similar situation. I had to start my own business so maybe someday I won't have to work at my horrid job. My problem is I'm still in school, have bills, and can't really just change jobs..small town. If you are in an area where there are more jobs avail...quit!
You only live once! Who says you have to be miserable? Well, my father would say "do what you are suppose to do". I say to that..Ha! I wasn't in the military for 28 years..I don't like following "the rules".
I hate my job too! Literally don't really like anyone I work with either because I feel like I do too much & they whine & don't do enough! I'm with you! I feel for you...alot!
jettie wrote: I say leave but as others mentioned, have something else in line before you do. I agree - line up another job, then give your notice -- not the other way around. Good luck!
I agree. I'm not a risktaker.. so take this comment for what its worth.
I would NOT quit before I have something else lined up even if it is just at a restaurant or something.
Ritz wrote: how are you sure you'll make $12 an hour? is that the average where you live? b/c that seems somewhat high to me for positions like that.. also remember that summer is starting, so you will be up against students willing to work for much less..
I agree with this. I would think those position would be more in the $7-9 range...
I had a horrible, soul sucking HellJob for two years. You should definitely get out! But, make sure you have something else lined up first. Apply for new jobs asap and then as soon as you get an offer you want, put in your notice and bail!
Well, first let me say that I am normally a risk-taker, and all for having a job that you at least like. I don't think money should be the top consideration. But in your situation, I think you need to stick it out at your current position while looking for something else, and here's why:
Money isn't everything, but it is important. Sometimes when we're unhappy in our jobs, it's easy to see only that our job is making us unhappy, not that it's providing us with a certain level of freedom and security, and making our lives easier. If you've got a lot off cc debt and high bills, those things probably aren't making you too happy, either, right? And if you take a job making less, even for a few months, you will lose ground on paying off your ccs. I once took a $20,000 pay cut because I was *so*unhappy @ a job. Everyone told me "You're unhappy here, you'll make up the pay difference with a promotion in no time, etc." Well, I didn't. Two years later, I am still undoing the debt damage I did in the 6 months I worked at the crappy-paying job. And, that is even after I adjusted my lifestyle down to the new pay level. I had crappier health insurance, and I got sick, so I had medical bills. My car needed some repairs, etc. And I didn't have the option of using "extra" (i.e. nonessentials) money to pay those things, b/c I didn't *make* any "extra" money.
If your boyfriend was totally stable and able to support you, as Irene said, it might be difference. But since he is also a little strapped for cash, this could also have an effect on him and on your relationship.
Hopefully this gives another perspective. I do think it's important to be happy, but remember a big pay cut is usually exactly how it sounds: scary.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I was in your position not too long ago. I absolutely hated my last job since my boss made it so we couldn't work together and quit before I had something else lined up. It took me three months to find another job. Luckily I was still living at home, but I still went through a good portion of my savings. I will say that not having a job made me look even harder, but I still think it is easier to find a job when you already have one. I love my new job, and it is a million times better than my last one, but those three months were really tough and thank goodness I had saved up quite a bit on money in anticipation that I might not make it until I found a new job. Hang in there and you will find something so much better!
Wow, thank you so much for all of the responses, it's been really helpful. I talked it over with my fiance last night and decided to turn in my 2 week notice on Monday! We discussed the financial side and he agrees that the money I'm making is not worth the stress and depression, and he reassured me that he can definitely help me out and that we'll be fine.
I also looked around online and there are a lot of jobs in my area, there's a new dance studio that just opened, a Wells Fargo that will open soon, and lots of vet offices and animal hospitals looking for a receptionist, so I think I'll be able to find another job soon. I won't be making as much money, but I'll be making enough =o)
This is so scary! The only time I've ever quit a job was when I was moving out of state, I've never been fired, so this is really a big leap for me, but, it's very exciting!