I'm giving myself another year to get moving to the west. I figure that will give me a good amount of time at my job, my lease will be up and I'll be able to go month-to-month with it.
I really think I'd like to move to Vegas and go to grad school (possibly even go for a PhD in Creative Writing). UNLV has all of the grad programs that I'm considering and the PhD beyond that.
I'm also a huge fan of Vegas in general and have always thought about moving there for a few years and then moving on to LA. I'm definitely the type of person who wants to live lots of different places while I can.
So, what is your advice to me? Anything specific about Vegas for those of you who have lived there or know alot about it? What's the best way to go about getting an apartment or finding a job when I'm so far away? Anything else I should know?
okay, first...yay! get the hell out of southeast pa while you can! it will totally suck you in otherwise!
my suggestions, check out craig's list. i know this is a totally obvious answer, but i really do feel its a great way to find an apartment when moving really far away. its also a pretty good way to sorta judge what's going on, you can browse volunteer listings and other employment type stuff as well as recreation stuff. you can also check out the aol city guide which gives listings of stuff going on in bigger cities around the country as well as bar and restaurant listings.
while it might not be really the preferable option...if you do end up going on to a grad program i would suggest looking at grad school apartments. i think most bigger schools have housing that is set aside for grad students and is much nicer than the undergrad dorm. that's also an option to do for maybe just the first semester to really get you settled and to learn the layout of the neigborhods and stuff.
hope that helps any...the bf and i moved across the state (and yeah, i know it's not the same as the country but...) to philly and took our apartment completely sight unseen. i really would not recommend that, but we lucked out. it is a good idea to start thinking and planning now because a year goes really fast. good luck!
and just an aside....nyla, do it. just do it. you've been thinking about this and wanting it for how many years? just go for it.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I don't know much about Vegas, but I moved across the ocean from Hawaii to Orange County, CA. Luckily, my FH's company helped w/our relocation & the parent company owns the apartment we live in, so we got a special rate on our security deposit.
I can't agree more about utilizing craigslist. I found my job this way & also managed to get some leads on other things like our community, housing & random other topics. But you might want to also look into calling UNLV to see if there are apartments off-campus that's nearby. We live a block away from UC Irvine, which is great if I were attending school, but challenging now that I'm pushing 33.
I packed up & moved my stuff w/in 2 1/2 weeks of getting my FH settled, which was 2 1/2 weeks before Christmas. It wasn't easy, but if I didn't leave then, I'd never leave Hawaii. I think if you've been longing to leave, go for it.
and just an aside....nyla, do it. just do it. you've been thinking about this and wanting it for how many years? just go for it.
Yeah, years. And it's always finances and job situations that keeps it from happening. I would have been out there five years ago if I didn't have money/job issues. Now that I have a good job in my field, I'll put in about 1 1/2 years there, save money, get experience and move on to a better job in Vegas.
I've been keeping my eye on craigslist, as well as monster. I also plan on researching specific companies that I want to work for and targeting them well in advance. Informational interview type of things. We'll see. There's honestly nothing keeping me here after my lease is up and I've got enough time in at my job. I don't think I would start grad school right away. I'd probably wait about 4-6 months depending on when I move out there. I'd also like to find a company to foot the bill. We'll see.
I've been keeping my eye on craigslist, as well as monster. I also plan on researching specific companies that I want to work for and targeting them well in advance. Informational interview type of things. We'll see. There's honestly nothing keeping me here after my lease is up and I've got enough time in at my job. I don't think I would start grad school right away. I'd probably wait about 4-6 months depending on when I move out there. I'd also like to find a company to foot the bill. We'll see.
These are all the things that I was going to recommend. The DH and I are moving out west in 2 weeks (yikes!) and we found the most adorable house to rent on craigslist. We also sold our current house by listing it there.
Luckily, I don't need to work right away, but during our last trip, I had a bunch of informational interviews to get a sense of the job market there. I scheduled those using the current work connections I have.
Maybe you could talk to some people and try to take a trip out there in the next couple months, check out apartments that would be in your price range, to see what it would really be like to live there.