In realizing that the number of mothers on this board has grown a lot recently, I thought it might be nice to start a thread containing some of our best tips.
Mine include:
That the best diaper for boys is by far Pampers Comfort Fit Cruisers
Baby wipes clean everything in the house
Keep an emergency stash of diapers/baby outfit/mom outfit in a bag in the car...there will come a day when you need all three.
Target sells bath confetti tubes for $1....perfect for keeping a toddler entertained in the tub while you make your morning phone calls.
Thrift stores...Thrift stores...Thrift stores! I am consistently amazed by the number of brand new, tag still on, clothes I find there for both my child and myself.
an ING account or similiar *high* interest account is a great place to drop a couple bucks in each week as a college fund start up.
those little tubs that Gerber 3rd foods come in are perfect for boxing up little snacks...totally disposable and hold the right amount for the young'uns. Plus if you are a working mom as I was...they are a great way to transport your child's meal to the sitter/daycare. Each food can go in a separate container.
Juice box holders! Cannot emphasize this enough! Car upholstery saving miracle in the form of a plastic box! Awesome!
Cut juice half and half with water...cuts down on the sugars your child is ingesting, plus, it saves you some cash at the same time.
Don't bother with a wipes warmer...the wipe will be cooled off by the time it hits your child's bottom anyhow.
I'm not a mom but those sound like good tips. I have found travel sized hand sanatizer in the travel goods section at target which may be helpful for you moms too. Its $1 a bottle.
-The best smell ever on babies is Johnson and Johnson Pink Lotion and J&J Baby Powder right after you get them out of the bath -If you have a preemie baby, keep a hat on him at all times-it will help him grow -Target Circo brand makes great playclothes that are cute and cheap (like $3.99 a piece) -Ikea has great wooden toys that are very inexpensive (they also have cheap and cute bibs, washclothes, etc.) -Sign up for on,, for really good coupons -If you buy pampers-be aware that they have a rewards program now and you can get videos and toys for buying diapers -When you take the kids go the doctor ask for samples (my doctor used to give us milk crates FULL of Similac-but only when my husband took the kids go figure-nonetheless it saved us hundreds of dollars in formula!) -Read books to your kids like crazy-you can't believe how much this helps them with their own reading skills -Use the time in the car to create a learning enviroment (my oldest son have had countless "spelling bees" while taking car trips