I never have but i surely will from now on. I broke out in ridiculous hives on my stomach & back late yesterday - I just went to the doctor & he eliminated every possiblility for it other than allergic to contact - from a shirt I wore yesterday. I got a tee for my birthday, pulled off the tags & put it on without washing it. He said he's seen it way more than once & not to do that again. I'm talking I have 12 - 14 welts that are about 1 inch x 2 inches all over my torso. I am so disgusted that I don't know what to do with myself! And I'm out the money for a co-pay, a shot, and 3 medications.....
Has this ever happened to anyone else?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I do sometimes. Like for bathing suits, DEFINITELY! I never do for dresses though (I guess I should, though, some people probably wear them and then return them). I might if it's a funny color that has to be washed separately but usually I don't unless it smells weird. I like to keep the tags on in case I decide to return it.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Once my friends and I did an unofficial poll and found that most of us girls did not wash before wearing but most of the guys did and would not think about wearing without washing first.
But your hives are scary.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
I am completely OCD about washing clothes before wearing them. I even hate trying clothes on in the store because I don't know who tried it on before me. I was everything prior to wearing it.
I used to wash everything first. I'm not as picky about it now. I never thought of getting a rash from it though. In high school my friend had told me things stain easier if you don't wash them first. I have no idea if that is true but I used to spill on everything so I've been washing first ever since lol.
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
That's so weird that you broke out in hives, I saw something like that once on some detective show or something, and I thought it was just some far-fetched story they made up for the storyline! I didn't know it actually happened!
It kind of just depends on my mood, whether or not I'll wash clothes. Usually I'm super-excited to wear my new clothes and want to do so immediately, and since I don't usually do laundry except every couple weeks because I hate going to the laundromat, I don't want to wait that long to wear my pretty new clothes! If it's something off-season or something, that I won't wear for a while I know, I'll usually throw it in the hamper as soon as I get it home.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I will only wash bathing suits and bras and underwear. Anything else, I rip the tags off and throw it on. Although, maybe I should re-think this....
same here. that is scary though laken. I will add that I once bought a pair of mossimo workout pants at target and no matter how many times I washed them I still would itch terribly and break out when i wore them so I had to get rid of them. I even tried changing laundry detergent and that didn't help.
Well, i'm glad it isn't just me! I just wonder if it was a reaction to the fabric / color or what some nasty person had to have to make me break out like this! I seriously can't stop thinking about it. SO GROSS. I am not at all sensitive to stuff, I don't have a lot of allergies or anything - it's just strange. The swelling has gone down & the spots are smaller, but are more pronouced (ie, RED) and I am still pretty miserable. Plus I'm on antibotics & will be for 10 days so I have to visit my mother & no chance at wine! AGGGGHHHHHH
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I always wash before I wear. Who and what wore them before me freaks me out, and the new clothes smell isn't pleasant, either. But, the main thing is that I have really sensitive skin, so I do break out in hives if I don't wash before wearing. I can barely try clothes on!