Usually I just keep them, but do you ever return your gifts? My parents got me an ipod nano for graduation today and I felt kind of weird asking but I asked if I could trade it in for a video (and I would pay the difference). They were fine with it but I felt really awkward and remembered why I don't return gifts a lot.
What are your thoughts on gifts and returning them or the flip side, when people return/exchange your gifts?
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Everyone in my family attatches gift receipts to everything. It's just kinda a given that some things will be returned in our family. I often return lots of things at Christmas time.
If they're clothes that don't fit, I return them and get whatever I want at the store. But if it's just that I don't like it, I'll usually keep it around a while out of guilt and then give it away or something.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
i will always return something if i won't use it. i think it's silly and a waste of the gift giver's money to keep something you'll never use. is the point of the gift not for you to have something you'll enjoy? and everyone i know has realized how particular i am, so they're getting used to this by now.
so in keeping with that, i am totally fine with people returning the gifts i give them.
The intention of the gift is that you will use it. So, you should return it and get what you want that you will use. I think you might feel weird, but how about when that person (in this case your parents) find out that you aren't using it b/c you really didn't want it after all. Just my two cents. I've learned the hard way.
jen wrote: Everyone in my family attatches gift receipts to everything. It's just kinda a given that some things will be returned in our family. I often return lots of things at Christmas time.
What a dream! I wish my family would do this!
I usually don't return gifts - most of my family has relented to giving me GC since I have so much better shopping than they do. But I will if I really don't think I will use it & can figure out where it came from.
BUT I have returned stuff my DH gave me that I wouldn't use - I figure I'm paying for it in a way & if it's going to be a waste it's silly to keep it (ie, Desperate Housewives DVD I got for Christmas) - I'd rather have the $50 & it was a sweet thought - he was thinking since I watch SATC all the time I'd be the same with that, but as you all know it's not the same.
ETA: in your case I think it's totally ok because you really want the video & won't get as much enjoyment from the nano....
-- Edited by laken1 at 11:45, 2006-05-16
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
i don't return gifts unless it is from someone i hardly ever see or that i won't be seeing againfor a long time. like a relative that visits or something. but if it someone i will see a lot or around, i will keep it. if it is a clothing item, and it just doesn't fit, i will get the right size.