This is the 2nd weekend in a row where I haven't bought anything but food or necessities. I'm going to die...
Since I know if I don't get a job SOON, I'll be surviving off unemployment, so I'm trying to be good and not spend so that my severance pay can just build up my checking account.
I went two months without buying anything besides groceries and bare necessities because I was saving up. It was pure hell for me. I'm about to enter another 2-3 month dry spell and I"m really dreading it. I get this feeling like i'm missing out on stuff if I don't go shopping at least once a month.
I know your pain Carrie. I am getting myself into the same boat by saving and spending more than I know I am. I am going on vacation in a week and I'm allowing myself to shop at the outlet mall there and then I'm on a stricter ban than I've been on since January. Just work shirts and a dress for my friends wedding until I get myself under control again.