Ok, you are the same age as my little sis so my questions really go by what she's going through....graduation is Thursday! I'm assuming you are in about the same boat?
* When is graduation & what are your plans after? Like I mean right after - is there a party or something? * Are you going on a senior trip? * I know you picked a college but I can't remember which one? Remind me. * I love your style - how do you plan your outfits? Around one piece like shoes & work from there? Are they pre-planned or do you throw on items as you dress? * do you have a boyfriend? * Are you boy crazy in general? (more about me when i was 18 than anything) * how did you find stylethread?
-- Edited by laken1 at 10:46, 2006-05-15
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Yay! It's all I can do to restrain myself from a Sally Field-like acceptance speech .
where did your interest in fashion come from? who or what inspires you?
Well, for one, I've worn a school uniform all of my life so that made me really appreciate clothes. My mom always let me pick out my own clothes from the time I was very young so I've always had sort of an instinctual sense of what I like. I've always loved clothes though. I remember a stage where I would only wear dresses and another time in kindergarten where I wore a Bounce sheet in my hair as a hair bow (my friend wanted one like me...so I guess you could say I was a trendsetter amongst the 5 year olds ). I'm inspired by yall first and foremost, a few people at my school who have great taste (and a few and far between where I go), and magazines.
if you were stranded on the island on "lost," who would you want to hang out with?
Oh, gosh, everyone! I wanna crash on that island right now. Guy friends, Jack, Sawyer, and Hurley just because he's funny. Of the girls, I could see myself hanging out with Sun and Kate.
if you could bring back a show that you used to love and is no longer on the air, what show would it be?
I really liked Salute your Shorts on Nickolodeon. Also, more recently, I loved Joan of Arcadia, but they cancelled it. It had great acting and storylines that were emotional but not banal.
is there an unusual skill you'd like to have, like knowing how to fly a plane?
I wouldn't call them unusual but I'd like to know how to drive a stick shirt or speak Spanish more than conversationally. For unusual skills, it would be cool to swallow fire, just to have a good introduction (Hi, I'm theotherjess. I swallow fire. And what is it you do?).
what kind of work do you think you might do?
I'm planning on doing something in journalism. I'm not sure if I want to do print/reporting or marketing/advertising on the more business side of it yet though.
When is your graduation & what are your plans after? Like I mean right after - is there a party or something?
Graduation is this Saturday. My family/friends are all coming over to my house for a little "open house" type thing. This really yummy chef is catering so that should be good. A couple girls in my class are having a graduation party on Friday night at some center so I might go to that.
Are you going on a senior trip?
Our school hasn't gone on any real "trips" post-9/11 but we did go to GradNight, which is this super fun thing at Disney for seniors where they open the park all night and you can go on all the rides and B-list bands come and play until the morning. It was really fun.
I know you picked a college but I can't remember which one.
University of Florida. Gooooo Gators!
I love your style - how do you plan your outfits? Around one piece like shoes & work from there? Are they pre-planned or do you throw on items as you dress?
Sort of a mix of both. I plan my outfits for events that I know I will be going to ahead of time but mostly I just put stuff on. I don't really start with one piece as much as an overall mood--do I want to be girly, all-American, colorful, etc, although sometimes this does start with one piece, like a certain top I want to wear. That sets the mood for the rest of the outfit.
Do you have a boyfriend?
Ha, no.
Are you boy crazy in general?
Not really. I'm going to have to base much of that on slim pickings due to an unbalanced girl to boy ratio though. It kind of sucks.
How did you find stylethread?
I think I found it through the Lucky forum or maybe google.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
theotherjess -- i loved salute your shorts! nick pretty much defined my childhood, and salute your shorts was my 2nd favorite show next to clarissa explains it all. i was in loehmann's the other day and they had camp ananawana tees. i think i might buy one.
Hmm, I'm like Papyrus because we did a book a couple of years ago with all the headings in it and it looks really nice. We just did a mock yearbook for a project and I chose Informal Roman for the heads and Maindra for the text. I also love a good typewriter font, which we did (on my suggestion ) for the cover of our book this year. It looks very clean and modern if I may say so myself.
if your life was a yearbook, what would the theme be?
Ooh, toughie. Well, the fake one I just did had a theme of carpe diem and I really like that. Something quick and nice sounding, although maybe something with a little more wit.
which camp are you in? The mostly-pictures-very-little-text camp, or the long-stories-and-less-focus-on-photos camp?
I'd like to say I'm somewhere in the middle. I like the pictures to be really interesting, but I also love good captions and a well written story. If I had to choose, I'd say pictures because a picture is worth a thousand words (and also because no one reads the yearbook stories and the writers on our staff are less than imaginative).
will you major in journalism?
I'm not sure. I know I want to do something in that field but I'm not sure how specific or general I want my major to be. I might major in journalism and then minor in something more career specific.
do you have senioritis?
what are your hobbies?
Shopping, of course. I like to read newspapers and magazines. I'm a huge tv person and I love me a good Lost conversation. I like to bake cupcakes for my friends. I like to go to concerts. Mostly leisurely things like that.
Are you planning to live on your own after school?
After high school, yes, I'll be living in the dorms. After college, I would hope so. My sister is a couple of years younger than me so my dad thinks we might get an apartment together, which would be cool.
What is something crazy you have done?
I think I'm like the least crazy person ever. Ever since I was younger I've always been the cautious one. The other night I was late (traffic!) to a dinner and I had my clothes in the car and I changed at a stoplight. Crazy enough ? I know, I'm lame. I've done a lot of silly/crazy things, such as dressing up as FlavaFlav to go roller skating, but never really wild/crazy things.
Fav place to travel?
Abaco in the Bahamas. I've been twice and I looooove it. It's so relaxing and the people are super nice. It's just beautiful.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
theotherjess -- i loved salute your shorts! nick pretty much defined my childhood, and salute your shorts was my 2nd favorite show next to clarissa explains it all. i was in loehmann's the other day and they had camp ananawana tees. i think i might buy one.
Please buy one! Post in in TS .
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
Well, technically I have known her since kindergarten but she moved in across the street from me at the end of 6th grade. She was always more popular than me so we never really hung out but we had this instant connection and it was really weird. Like we had at least 3 or 4 of the same pieces of clothing from a few years back (and not just the same AE shirt that everyone has, like older less mass produced items). We get along great and I'm still really close to her today. My other best friend goes to my school and I've been in her homeroom for 4 years but we became really close last year.
* What one thing do you want to do before you graduate?
Well, every year on the last day of school my best friend, her sister, my sister, and I jump in the pool with our uniforms on. They go to public school now but I still want to jump in the pool with our clothes on with them.
* Whats the one thing you want to do while in college?
I really want to study abroad, hopefully in Spain. I would love to immerse myself in the language and culture.
* Favorite color/food/accessory?
Color: green or blue or anything in that family. I love oceany colors. Food: fried chicken or steak. Accessory: I really like my owl belt, my boy scout belt, and my brown leather/tortoise shell bag. I also wear my giant (fake) pearl studs and diamond studs a lot.
* Favorite word/phrase?
Let me come back to this. I know there are things I say a lot, I just can't think of them right now.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland