I just got my third phone call of the day wishing me a happy mothers day. That one was from the MIL and she actually said that this is my "first one". HUH? I don't have kids, but thanks for pointing that out and making me even more effing depressed.
OK, vent over but I think this is kind of weird. Am I the only one that people keep calling for the holiday that is had completely no relevance to? I can't imagine how they'd think it's appropriate... its mother's day- not women's day, right?
I can't believe your own MIL did that....if she is trying to give you a hint, I think she is going about it the wrong way. When I worked in a public place- I would volunteer to work on Mother's day so the mothers could enjoy the holiday. I would get a lot of people who would ask first but a lot who would just wish me happy mother's day. I just took it as friendliness and said thanks. But I can't believe your own MIL did that! That's crazy. Was she calling the wrong number or something?
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."
luckyclover wrote: I can't believe your own MIL did that....if she is trying to give you a hint, I think she is going about it the wrong way. When I worked in a public place- I would volunteer to work on Mother's day so the mothers could enjoy the holiday. I would get a lot of people who would ask first but a lot who would just wish me happy mother's day. I just took it as friendliness and said thanks. But I can't believe your own MIL did that! That's crazy. Was she calling the wrong number or something?
right, if I was out and it was coming from a stranger I would smile and say "you too" and think nothing of it. But this was all from family and they went out of their way to call me for it.
luckyclover wrote: I can't believe your own MIL did that....if she is trying to give you a hint, I think she is going about it the wrong way. When I worked in a public place- I would volunteer to work on Mother's day so the mothers could enjoy the holiday. I would get a lot of people who would ask first but a lot who would just wish me happy mother's day. I just took it as friendliness and said thanks. But I can't believe your own MIL did that! That's crazy. Was she calling the wrong number or something? right, if I was out and it was coming from a stranger I would smile and say "you too" and think nothing of it. But this was all from family and they went out of their way to call me for it.
Maybe they think you're pregnant?
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
That is damn weird coming from your own family! Are you not close or something? Or maybe it was something your MIL put together to hint that she wants a grandchild.
Whoa! I'd be PISSED she said that. And her explanation that this is your "first one" seems contrived and just weird. I think she's trying to drop a hint and is just doing a really bad job of that. You can tell her to mind her own business. Ugh.
That's weird. Maybe if you were pregnant, it would be okay. But otherwise that's just weird. I think that I'd feel really uncomfortable if my MIL called to wish me a happy Mother's Day, and I would probably ask her if she was trying to tell me something.
I have a different take on this. I got a card in the mail on Friday from my mom. It was a Mother's Day card. It was one of the sweetest cards I've ever gotten from her. I asked her about it the next day and said, "did you get that for me because I'm nuts about my pets and treat them like my chicldren?" Her response was no, I got it for your because it's Mother's Day, I'm a mother, you're my daughter and I want you to know how much I appreciate you.
It was one of the most thoughtful cards and very nice sentiment. Maybe your MIL had the same thing in mind?
That sucks. I guess to her you are just the woman who is going to make her son's babies, so now that you're married she will wish you happy mother's day??
I find it offensive to wish any random woman (without knowing if they are a mom or not) happy mother's day. IMO it kinda says that's what women are "supposed to" do... be mothers. I don't want kids but I'm more than willing to wish other moms happy mother's day, just don't do the same to me!
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
nunzi- I'm actually leaning a little towards it was something like that. I dunno. She didn't say anything sweet like that. And when I said thanks, but I don't have kids her response was "no shit!"
Maybe she was trying to drop a grandkid kind, but sheesh could you be any more subtle? Especially since she has never ever mentioned us having kids before and the one time we mentioned something in front of here she looked seriously uncomfortable with the thought.
I just think it was rude - even people with good intentions can be rude & it made you uncomfortable. I don't blame you - I'd feel the same way you did / do - it's strange.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
OMG! That totally happened to me too! Except my boss blackberried me (in response to a welcome home from vacation bb I sent her) and the last line of the email was happy mother's day. Ok, weird b/c she knows not only am I not married, but I don't even have a boyfriend - neither does she for that matter. I just laughed - what else can you do?