just posting to say "hello" and that i have missed reading all the posts regularly. i finally got my internet hooked up in my new apartment, so i'm going to try and read up a bit to see what i've missed.
as lots of you know, i just relocated from LA to San Francisco. it's been a lot tougher than i could have imagined. i've never moved long-distance before, and i had no idea how lonely and sad i would be. i've had good days and bad days, but i've been here for five weeks now and don't feel like i really live here any more than i did on day 1. i miss my friends a lot, and i miss the sense that i had a life to take care of and tasks to do, even if they weren't really exciting. my brother lives 9 blocks away fom me but i don't see him much because he's busy with his own plans and can't be bothered to notice that i could really use some company or like, a return phone call. most of my friends here are also so busy wth their own lives that i hardly see them. my roommate moved in two weeks ago, but hasn't unpacked 90% of her belongings, so it's also depressing to come home to an apartment that feels like a storage shed. anyway, long story, but that's my update.
thanks, FP. the new job is also not-so-good. i should have held out for one that i wasn't so overqualified for, instead of just taking this one so i could move right away. i'm looking again already. the people there are super-nice though, that's the one good thing.
good to see you back.i moved almost three years ago to a state that I had never even visited. Needless to say I had a horrible boyfriend at the time and he kept what seemed like a ball and chain on me- he didn't even live in the state......I could never just go out an socialize. Needless to say I know this isn't your situation but I finally just said f--- it! EVERY off day I would pick a place, even somethng as silly as Loehmann's, mapquest it, then get missing! I was able to find my way around and find out some hotspots. I also talked to co-workers who were halfway decent and they took me out a few times.
I still get very lonely at holidays because in my line of work I can't take off! I've learned to accept invitations when people invite me over because it just pans out to be the next best thing.
Hope you find a job that you actually like, that was one thing that was in my favor.
Aww bumblebee I'm sorry you feel sad and lonely. I know what its like to move to another city and know only a few people who are always busy. Feel free to pm me anytime you want to talk. Things will get better!
I agree with carmen's suggestion. Start mapquesting places and go find them. It helped me. Shoot when I get down or during busy season when I was in a tiny room for 10 hours a day I use to go grocery shopping or to sephora so I could interact with people. Its a nice way to get out.
Hang in there Bumblebee! I was really glad this site was here when I moved each time - you never have to move away from your friends here! It'll all shake out in the end .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
It makes me sad that you are lonely there. I third (or fourth?) the suggestion to just get out of the house sometimes. It really does help to be around other people, even if you don't know them.
Your nice co-workers- are any of them your age & want to hang out or anything? Do you have any interests that you could join a group? Meetup.com has TONS of categories of people with similar interests - I met a bunch of cool people by going to a knitting group. Knitting may not be your thing but maybe you can find something else that interests you & go check it out. I admit it was hit or miss - some of the groups I went to I liked less than others, but then I didn't go back. People are generally nice & welcoming since they "advertise" as a group like this, so it's not at all uncomfortable.
Maybe you could join a gym or something like that as well just to have something to do & that will also lead to meeing new people? I just think finidng friends was the worst part of moving away because it's so hard to do!
Keep your chin up & keep coming back here - I agree with joycebaby - you ladies helped me through some down times too when my IRL friends weren't available.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
hang in there! it takes a lot of guts to move out of your comfort zone and into a new place! once you and your roomie get more settled things will start feeling more like home. do you guys go out together at all? maybe this is weird but i know a lot of people have met thru myspace and things like that.. don't know if that's weird to you but it's an idea! :)
don't worry and once you're settled people will come and visit.. and maybe you'll be too busy to have them over ;)
I was wondering where you were! Well, I hope things fall into place for you soon. I admire you for making such a big move! hang in there, and you know where to find your on-line friends
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I'm so glad you're back, but sad to hear that you're feeling sad and lonely. I agree w/the other girls - start hunting out new places to go see/check out.
It'll work out - you just have to get thru that adjustment period
welcome back, bumblebee! sorry you're feeling lonely in SF.
i can relate to what you're going through. i moved out here almost two years ago from boston- and i didn't know a soul in SF so there was definitely a significant adjustment period. i was lucky that i made fast friends with my roommates and coworkers, but SF didn't feel like home for several months. but hang in there! SF is an amazing city- there's so much to do and see. pick up one of the free papers or check out the chronicle's sunday edition datebook- they list tons of events, etc. SF is a great walking city- when i first moved here, my favorite thing to do on the weekends was to pick a neighborhood and explore/wander all day.
PM me if you want some recommendations for fun places/things to do!
COME HOME! ok i know i just sounded like miranda from SATC when carrie's off in Paris but it was literally the first thought that popped in my head! onto more constructive advice/support--i have a really good friend up north and i know that she would be more than willing to have lunch or coffee w/ you if you ever needed some company. just pm me and i'll hook it up.
thanks, girls, for all of the kind messages. things are getting better...slowly. but i am finally feeling a bit better, so thank you. i don't have that much time to post anymore, but i will keep trying.