This is hilarious. In the background you can see everybody with their cars for showing off who has the best one.
I thought only people did that in my town because their is nothing better to do! They like to hang out in the Taco Bell/ Pet's Mart/ Office Depot parking lot, the old Burger King parking lot, and at Schuck's Auto (when it's closed). You can have a dumpy boat of a car, but if you have hydraulics, your smokin'!!!!
scarlett wrote: Can I add that I love your topic heading being a line from one of the songs in "Office Space"? Totally makes me want to pop in the movie now! That car is hysterical!
I couldn't resist . I love that part of Office Space.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland