I need some serious distraction techniques before I drive myself batshit!
Maybe a month ago I posted that we might be moving this summer (again) for FH's job. Well, he ended up denying that particular job, but now there is another one. And we find out either today or tomorrow if he got it. And there's only one other person in the running and the manager guys already said they were 'leaning toward' FH. And we'd be moving 1200 miles in 6 weeks, aka 3 weeks before the wedding. Into an apartment that we've never seen.
I'm totally caught up with wedding crap for the time being. I have maybe an hour, tops, of cleaning I could do. I really want to go shopping but we need to save $$$ for our possible impromptu move. I've already finished all my SATC DVDs and painted my fingers and toes and it's only 10:00 am.
Hmmmm, is 10am too early to start drinking, ya think?
-- Edited by Elle at 12:07, 2006-05-11
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Now would be a perfect time for you to have a playstation!
So I'm a little shocked, as I'm sure you are too - can you tell us where the possible move would be this time? What unfortunate timing with the wedding!!!!!
Unrelated but I am in the midst of re-watching SATC DVDs too. How funny.
ETA: I didn't give you any ideas, did I? Are there free things you could do in your area? Like sight seeing - total touristy stuff? Museums? Stuff like that? We never do the sight seeing here & I'm in the process of making a list of things to do that people would do if they came here on vacation.
-- Edited by laken1 at 12:14, 2006-05-11
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
Now would be a perfect time for you to have a playstation! So I'm a little shocked, as I'm sure you are too - can you tell us where the possible move would be this time? What unfortunate timing with the wedding!!!!!
Portland - it makes the actual wedding easier because we'll already be in town, but picking up our entire lives and adding the stress of that to the wedding-really-soon stress ........ I can't say I'm looking forward to attempting to handle that!
Random job specs, for kicks - We were both kind of uneasy about the original job he interview for in P-town, and debated heavily before deciding against it. Fh called up another hospital in town (where he worked for 4 years before we moved away for school, and where he did one of his school internships) just to see what was going on there. Turns out they had attempted to contact him when they last had an opening, but we had moved so much they weren't able to track us down. They asked for his resume and told him that the second anything came up he'd be the first to know. A week later, they emailed him and asked for a conference call and when he could hypothetically start work there because someone had given their notice that very day. Ironically enough, the other person in the running for this job also has her hand in the pot for the original job that FH decided against, and is only in the running at all for this job because she too did an internship there 2 years before FH and just happened to send her resume in recently as well.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I know, you can come over and hang out with me Really, it is too bad that all of us stay at home stylethreaders don't live closer.
Maybe go to the grocery store and whip FH up a big dinner out of some recipes you've been wanting to try. Oh, and of course bake something for dessert.