I think my car is rather safe from thefts though. If you drive it without the keys the fuel supply will shut off so you can't get far. If you open the door from the inside without using the keys the alarm goes off. And it's not a popular style like a Honda so it wouldn't end up in a chop shop.
well, i was at a show in downtown dallas - came out and my car was gone. i was freaking out b/c i thought "great, have to come up with $200 for getting it out of tow" but i called the police and they said it wasn't towed - --- it's now been 23 hours and they still haven't found it :(
i'm shocked b/c it was a bmw (a 90) and bmws are supposedly very hard to steal - i'm also mad b/c of all the stuff that was in it (one of my fave shirts, three pairs of jeans, shoes, just my "stuff," you know?)
it's just such a terrible feeling to know that this could happen to you. :(
the worst part is that my grandmother just helped me get new tires for it and i borrowed $3000 to get repairs done on it LAST WEEK.
I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope they can find it soon!
I had a car stolen once (Mazda Rx-7) and the police called me the next day because they'd located it. They wanted me to "immediately" come and get it - but of course I had no transportation and couldn't get a ride right away, so had to wait another day and go get it from the impound lot. I think some kids took it for a joy ride because it wasn't damaged - except that several things were missing. The stereo had been pulled out (which wasn't anything special - just the stock stereo), my CD's / tool box, tire iron (anything loose) etc were missing, and the sunroof (this was a pull-off roof) was gone.
My insurance covered the replacement of the roof and stereo (and the damage to the ignition where they jammed it), but my own items were a lost cause.
Hopefully your car will soon be found, insurance will pay for repairs / replacements, and you can move on from this. I know how you feel though. I felt angry, frustrated, sad, violated, not to mention inconvenienced - we rely so much on our vehicles - and it made me paranoid about parking my car for some time after that. I am really sorry, hon. *hugs*
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Oh Hermione! I hope they find it, and there's still a chance the police have it and just can't locate it, right? (That happened to me once - they have contractors and things like that, so they don't always keep really good track and sometimes it takes a while). Either way, I hope they find it and you get your stuff back!