we get a local paper, and there is a "crime watch" section. sometimes they can be pretty amusing -- thought I'd share. Of particular interest are the tree stealing, the foot tickler, and bleached laundry (reminds me of the laundry nazi that an STer was dealing with.) (btw - Beverly Hills as in Beverly Hills, MI)
Robber corners woman outside home
BEVERLY HILLS — Police received a delayed report of an attempted burglary in the 31000 block of Huntley Square April 25 at approximately 12:12 p.m.
The victim told police that on April 23 at about 9:45 p.m., she was unloading grocery bags from her vehicle when a man jumped over a wall outside her home and demanded money.
The woman reportedly screamed and told the man, described as a 30-year-old white male, to leave her alone. Both parties ran away in opposite directions.
Police are investigating whether or not the man may have committed a robbery at a local Taco Bell the same night. A man fitting the same description reportedly approached the counter inside the eatery and ordered the cashier to give him money.
The cashier and two other employees fled the restaurant through a takeout window and drove away with a customer at the window.
Teens arrested for underage drinking, possession of marijuana
BEVERLY HILLS — On April 26 at 12:05 a.m., an officer pulled over a 19-year-old female driver for disobeying a stop sign at the intersection of Inglewood and Beverly Road.
The officer said he also observed a passenger in the back seat of the car lighting what appeared to be a cigarette with an unusually large flame. He discovered that the 19-year-old female passenger from Bloomfield Township was smoking marijuana and that another 19-year-old passenger from Birmingham had been consuming alcohol.
The passengers were issued a citation as minors in possession and were arrested. Both subjects posted bond. The driver was issued a citation for running the stop sign and was released.
Laundry bleached, stolen
BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — The woman told police that she had loaded her dirty laundry in a laundry room and left the scene April 20 sometime between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. at an apartment complex in 800 block of West Long Lake Road.
Upon returning, she found that someone has poured bleach onto her items, according to reports.
The ruined clothes were valued at $500. Two pairs of jeans worth $90 were reported stolen.
Police have no suspects and are still investigating.
Electronics stolen
BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — Police recently received report of a home invasion in the 2000 block of Alveston. Officers believe the incident occurred sometime between April 18 and 23.
According to reports, the victim was working on the home when he noticed a broken window. Reported stolen were a $600 Sony television, a Panasonic DVD player valued at $120. Police have no suspects and are still investigating.
Maple tree stolen front lawn
BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP — On April 22, police received a call reporting a larceny in the 100 block of North Berkshire Drive.
A 53-year-old resident and his wife reportedly awoke in the morning and noticed that a Japanese maple had been dug up and stolen from in front of the home. The tree was valued at $600.
Officers report no suspects but are still investigating.
Seaholm student charged with possession of marijuana
BIRMINGHAM — On April 25 at approximately 12:30 p.m., the assistant principal of Seaholm High School was investigating a 17-year-old Birmingham resident and student who had been stopped by the school parking lot attendant for cutting class and smoking on school property.
They located a small jar filled with green plant material that they believed to be marijuana and called the police. Police verified that it was marijuana and issued a court appearance ticket for possession of marijuana.
Mailboxes damaged
BLOOMFIELD HILLS — A resident in the 800 block of Falmouth reported that on April 20 at approximately 10:30 p.m. she heard a noise outside, checked out the window, saw nothing and thought nothing more of it. Later she discovered that her mailbox sustained approximately $300 in damage. The responding officer checked the area and found another mailbox in the 200 block of Harlan had sustained damage estimated at $200. Police have no suspects.
Foot tickler appears at Palladium theatre
BIRMINGHAM — A Bloomfield Hills resident was watching a movie at the Palladium Theatre, 250 N. Old Woodward Ave., at 7:15 p.m. April 21. She told police she had her feet up on the chair in front of her and felt that her feet were being tickled. She looked down to find a man lying underneath the front row of seats looking up at her, according to reports When she yelled at him, he crawled out and left the theater. The suspect was described as a heavy-set, bald, black male in his 30s. Police are investigating.
House egged
BLOOMFIELD HILLS — On April 22 at approximately 2 a.m., officers responded to a complaint of a house being egged in the 200 block of Chestnut Circle. Witnesses saw a 2005 silver, four-door Merkur Mariner drive by and someone throw eggs at the house and a for sale sign out front. They obtained the plate number of the suspect vehicle, and a follow-up investigation is under way.
— Mary Beth Almond and Andrea Zarczynski
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I love odd crime stories. Every once in awhile, I'll check Jay Leno's "stupid criminals" segments. They had one on quite awhile ago where a man robbed a Taco Bell in the drive through. Funny thing is, he worked there (had no mask on or anything). He ordered food after demanding the money out of the register. The cashier told him she'd go make his food, but called the cops instead. Stupid criminals are the best!