i am so freaked out! not to be all damsel in distress but my husband is out of town and i don't want to touch him. i have him cornered in the closet until my mom & brother get here to get him out! i can see him poking his head out of the tiniest corner to see if i am gone so he can make his getaway.
update (as if you need one): our little friend is now gone. my brother scurried him in a bag after hitting him with a broom (!!! i asked him to just scoop him up and take him outside!). my mom + bro swears he's "still alive!" but it feels like the equivalent of being told fido "went to a nice farm family."
This whole thread has me cracking up cause I can totally relate. About a year or two ago we had some mice issues and I remember being home alone and standing on the ottoman (cause I refused to be on the ground for fear the mouse might touch me, and I was also afraid of stepping on him and smooshing him, yuck!) talking to my husband on the phone about what to do.
This is so funny! I am so different though. I think mice (stray or pet) are soooo cute! I would have been feeding it little pieces of cheese and naming it. However, if this were a spider or some sort of bug, it would have been me up there on the ottoman! How backwards is that??
This is so funny! I am so different though. I think mice (stray or pet) are soooo cute! I would have been feeding it little pieces of cheese and naming it. However, if this were a spider or some sort of bug, it would have been me up there on the ottoman! How backwards is that??-- Edited by Luv2Shop at 12:14, 2006-05-05
See, they're cute until they start crapping on your kitchen counter, than it's a health issue... on the other hand, I allow all bugs and spiders (of course no roaches, but we've never had that problem) live in harmony with us. Hubby is allowed to move them outside, but no killing allowed. Since hubby is too chicken to move spiders or bugs they get to stay. I do clean any webs though; hey, you can live with me but no building homes in my home!
A few months ago, my sister began finding mouse poop in her kitchen. In the silverware drawer among lots of other places. She was livid at having to wash everything. They finally found the mouse and killed it. Then the other day she was cleaning out her pantry and found some old Atkins diet chocolate bars from when she was on the diet eons ago. They had little mouse teeth sized holes all over them. The mouse had been getting into them and munching on them for who knows how long. For those of you that aren't familiar with low-carb candy, the chocolate has a laxative effect on you. Just a few pieces and you (or at least I) REALLY feel it. Who knows how long the mouse had diarrhea!