one of the unions at work recently agreed to a new contract, and in it they get 3% raises, retroactive for two years. well, i'm not a union member, but apparently i get the same raise because i got two extra checks today for a total of $583 after taxes! it's like free money! i'm so excited. the only thing is, i'm not sure i was supposed to get the raise (the other girl in my dept. got it too, and her situation is the same as mine) - but i don't want to ask about it and have them take it back! should i?
my bday is this weekend so i'm going to treat myself to something nice, and then use the rest for bills and stuff, i think. i need to get on-track with my finances, but i deserve to buy myself SOMETHING, right?! (please say yes, please say yes).
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I wouldn't question it, and I would spend it. Just assume that your compensation reflected your co-workers' raise, regardless of union/non-union status.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Happy birthday y'all. My birthday is Saturday I probably wouldn't say anything and I would buy myself something nice. I do have to say though, on another forum I go to a guy didn't say anything and he ended up having to pay it back. BUT his case was different as I don't remember him saying anyone else got the raise too. Either way I wouldn't say anything yet if it was me. Go buy yourself something nice for your birthday!
"Thanks to Stephenie Meyer everytime I hear thunder, I imagine vampires playing baseball."