i think the birds and bees thing was probably poor word choice - i think it was just that birds and bees both start with "b" so it was like a nice song or something? i'm hoping beyond hope they weren't hoping to start using sesame street for sex ed...
and i CANT BELIEVE someone said "hell" on it - are you SURE? i mean i'm really dumbfounded - if that's so, i would write a letter or make some phone calls immediately - that is unbelievable
Hermione wrote: hmmmmmmmmm i think the birds and bees thing was probably poor word choice - i think it was just that birds and bees both start with "b" so it was like a nice song or something? i'm hoping beyond hope they weren't hoping to start using sesame street for sex ed...
I'm wondering about this too. I mean there isthat old sone "let me tell you bout the birds and the bees and the flowes and the tree...". I must have heard it a million times when i was a kid but had NO clue that it was about *that* until I was much older. Still, they should know better...
Nerd that I am, I always have closed-captioning on so I can keep the tv volume from saturating the house, but I happened to tune in for my time zones broadcast at 11 Central not long after I read this post because my son watches it too.
Cookie Monster's mom said, "What theHey" before giving in and eating the cookie. I heard it just that way, and the CC listed it that way too. Not like we don't all know what that means, but still.
I didn't catch the Birds and the Bees part though...
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
lorelei wrote: Not exactly. Nerd that I am, I always have closed-captioning on so I can keep the tv volume from saturating the house, but I happened to tune in for my time zones broadcast at 11 Central not long after I read this post because my son watches it too. Cookie Monster's mom said, "What the Hey" before giving in and eating the cookie. I heard it just that way, and the CC listed it that way too. Not like we don't all know what that means, but still. I didn't catch the Birds and the Bees part though...
Phew! I hoped, and thought, that SS would be smarter than to say 'hell' in a show that toddlers watch!
Not exactly. Nerd that I am, I always have closed-captioning on so I can keep the tv volume from saturating the house, but I happened to tune in for my time zones broadcast at 11 Central not long after I read this post because my son watches it too. Cookie Monster's mom said, "What the Hey" before giving in and eating the cookie. I heard it just that way, and the CC listed it that way too. Not like we don't all know what that means, but still. I didn't catch the Birds and the Bees part though...
two thoughts
a - phew! not "hell"
b - come on - that's still questionable. they need to just avoid that whole thing but not saying "What the ____ how about "why not?" instead