I am just too lazy to decide what to do, so I'm leaving this up to you all.
One of my friend's birthdays is this week. She loves to do spa stuff, so I told her I'd take her for a pedicure for her birthday. But, now I'm regretting that I included myself in the plan. I can think of tons of other ways I'd rather spend the money. It's not incredibly expensive, but it's expensive enough (about $60 each). I will totally spend it on her, I just don't want to spend it on me, you know? (Well, I do want to spend it on me, but on clothes or shoes!)
Is it rude to call her and tell her that I'm sorry, but I overcommitted for that day so I can't go with her, but that her service is taken care of (paid for) with the spa and she can either keep the original appointment or call and reschedule for another time that's convenient?
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I think you should keep your commitment to her. I personally would be crushed if a friend cancelled on me on my birthday. And then afterward your feet will look all pretty
Oh, FP, good point! I should clarify, though: I am going out with her and friends to dinner on the evening of her birthday for her birthday, if that makes any difference.
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
sorry, i know it's not what you want to hear but i agree with FP. Particularly since my b-day is coming up & I'm a TOTAL birthday brat. I'd be sad if you backed out.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I agree with the other girls. I totally love my b-day, and I would be so hurt if I had something fun like a pedicure planned with a friend and then she backed out.
sorry, i know it's not what you want to hear but i agree with FP. Particularly since my b-day is coming up & I'm a TOTAL birthday brat. I'd be sad if you backed out.
I agree. Pedicures are nice and all, but they're 1,000 times more fun with a girlfriend. If it were me, I'd be bummed that my friend didn't want to hang out with me on my birthday. I know that's not how it is at all, but that's how it would feel if it were me.
Okay. I'm going. I feel so ashamed now for even thinking of not going! Bad Lisa!
Don't feel ashamed, we've all been there. There have been several times I wanted to back out of something but didn't and I usually end up having a great time and wonder why I even wanted to back out in the first place. Enjoy your pedicure
poptart wrote: Okay. I'm going. I feel so ashamed now for even thinking of not going! Bad Lisa! Don't feel ashamed, we've all been there. There have been several times I wanted to back out of something but didn't and I usually end up having a great time and wonder why I even wanted to back out in the first place. Enjoy your pedicure
Yeah, I have felt this way too, I have been known to back out of things all the time, not when the get together was my idea, but I have thought about it.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
I wouldn't have fun going to a spa by myself. Anyways, I think friendship is more important than $60 in clothing.
Use this as an example: Last year my sister and I had a girls night at a hotel and went swimming, jacuzzi, stayed up watching tv, and of course our breakfast. That could have bought plenty of clothes, but the memories are great and the clothes would have been forgotten about.