I'm wondering if they'd actually consider me for an Assistant Store Manager position in the company, even though I have no Starbuck's experience. I've technically got the requirements they want (I think), so I'm curious....
I know they want 2 years of retail or restaurant management experience (Would 2.5 years as a movie theatre manager count for that? I had to deal w/food there), and 1 year at least of customer service (I have like, 9 years). Also some other generic personality skills and whatnot.
I know the worst they could do is ignore my resume or say no, but I'm wondering if I should send in a resume to begin with. Hmm......
From working retail for 5 years, I can tell you that EVERY manager that was ever new, got hired in and they were not a current employee. You are perfect for the job in their eyes!
A girl I went to middle school worked for their competition back home (same setup with locations in the gulf south) and she started as an assistant manager. She liked them and only quit recently to go repaint casinos for more $$. She'll probably go back when she's done painting.
A friend of mine works for Starbucks and she looooves it. I guess they get alot of benefits and perks that other retail/coffee slingers usually don't get like pension contributions, shareholding, heath care, etc. Even though it was usually crazy busy, she never had an unkind word to say about her job.
I worked at Starbucks for about a year and DH worked for them for about 8 years.
I definitely think you have the requirements that they're looking for. I don't think you'll have a problem at all.
Some general thoughts: It's an awesome company to work for in many ways--health benefits and stock options for part time employees, great networking opportunities, generally very cool people to work with. Some cons: Like any other HUGE corporation, you are a very very small and very dispensable cog in the wheel, the hours can suck big time, and you have to deal with more than your fair share of customers that have an entitled attitude. But in my experience, the number of customers that were really really great exceeded those that felt they were owed something because they spent $5 on a drink.
If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. I was a barista for a year, but DH was an Assistant Store Manager for a few years and has much more experience with the company than I do.
If you have the requirements, you should apply. I worked there as a barista just this past winter for some extra holiday money and during that time a new assistant store manager who had no experience with the comapny whatsoever was hired, so you definately have a chance.
I enjoyed my experience there, for what it was, anyway. I think, overall, it was a good company to work for.